We had 2 embryos transferred today after a fresh cycle.
Is anyone else in the 2ww?
We had 2 embryos transferred today after a fresh cycle.
Is anyone else in the 2ww?
ohh good luck!! 🙏🏽🙏🏽 I’m just starting treatment this week, so I’ll be in the same boat in 3 weeks time eekk! It’s the most weird, anxious, exciting, scary time. Thinking of you.
TWW-er here too! Wishing sticky dust to us all ✨🙏 xxx
I’m 5 days past transfer here. Hope you’re feeling well 🤗 sending hugs and so so much luck! x
Yep my transfer was last Thurs afternoon, test next monday. Good luck everyone, try to stay chill 😎💞 xx
Yes - 2WW here! Currently 8dp5dt. Official HCG blood test on Thursday - tempted to buy an at home pregnancy test today (I didn’t do one at all last time and thinking it might be a helpful buffer by this stage) 😬
Good luck everyone! The waiting is so hard xx
Aw yey fingers crossed for you. Let us know if you do one. I think I will cave but I’m just so scared to this time. Normally I’m testing almost twice a day 😳
I did a test 8dp5dt and it was negative so no luck this time ❤️ today is my OTD with blood test and I get my results this afternoon but have found the buffer of the home test result as really helped me diffuse my positive expectations and I feel ready to discuss preparing for round 2. Good luck to you and don’t know if this helps at all with the idea of testing just once and close to OTD x
Yes I’m 4dp5dt and feeling the temptation to test in a few days but fighting the urge waiting for bloods on Monday! Good luck ladies xx
Aw I get that I feel the same about testing. Fingers crossed for you. Let us know if you cave and how you get on x
Im 10dp5dt and test day tomomrow good luck all xx
I had my (7th 🫠) transfer yesterday, this time with a new drug protocol. It's already hard work and only been 24 hours! Wishing you all the luck!
I had my fresh transfer yesterday, feeling like my period is about to start. With your fresh can you tell me what Progesterone you are on? xx
feeling so stressed and actually should be feeling happy. I started testing stupidly but have had positives but they are crazy faint. So faint and not really progressing at all. Perhaps a chemical? Absolutely beside myself
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6dp is still early, are they early detection tests ? The digi one says pregnant so the hormone is there. Will you have blood ? I’ve had my positive as well just waiting on my beta results - my stomach is doing knots ! X