Good evening ladies!
Not really anything specific just a little one to say I’ve got my FET tomorrow (all being well) it will be my 9th embryo 🫠 and my 8th transfer. 2 have resulted in a BFP but not resulted in a long term pregnancy or baby.
I have been ttc for nearly 8 years now and I’m feeling super hopeful that this may finally be my time.
I'm determined to try and stay positive and not get in to a negative hole that it hasn’t worked like I do pretty much every time. But I suppose so many failures can do that to you!
I am just super happy to finally get to transfer as it has been 18 months since my last one due to non stop issues since then, ending up with sepsis and being hospitalised, having to have 2 operations since to try and sort out the mess left from being ill. I have had my tube removed in December and hoping that it’s all good to go now.
Wishing everyone else who is having their transfers tomorrow all the best of luck, I really hope that it’s good news for everyone. And keeping up the positive vibes for everyone else battling on, keep on going ladies, you are quite magnificent ✨