Anyone been diagnosed with MTHFR gene whose going through ivf?
MTHFR gene? : Anyone been diagnosed... - Fertility Network UK
MTHFR gene?

Hiya, yes I have this aswell. I was prescribed Clexane 20mg and aspirin 75 mg to thin my blood 🌸 x
Yes I have. Like Lou I was prescribed baby aspirin and Inhixia to thin my blood. Also recommended to take a higher dose of folic acid.
Hey, yes I was diagnosed with MTHFR (hetrozygous variation) but the clinic didn't really pay much attention to it so I wasn't put on anything specifically for that. It depends which type of MTHFR variation you have but extra folate is really important for any of them. Have a look at Carolyn Ledowsky, she a leading expert in MTHFR, fertility and miscarriages and has a wealth of information on her webpages.
Hello! I was diagnosed with MTFHR C677t (homozygous) and was prescribed clexane 40mg and aspirin 75 mg 5 days before transfer until end of pregnancy. I was also on 5mg folic acid, vitamin B6 & B12.
My relative had MTFHR as well but only hetro. She was meant to be on aspirin, but she couldn’t take it as she was allergic to it. She delivered a healthy baby safely without taking any blood thinners but this is because she only has one gene mutation and not both as I do.
Thanks for this did you have a successful pregnancy I have both gene mutations so prescribed inhixa aspirin as part of my protocol and already had one failed cycle but we didn’t know about these things then
Hopefully, this cycle would bring you success. Ask your doctor to give you the aspirin and the clexane 5 days before the transfer. It worked every time I did that. Good luck and please keep us updated
Hey hope u don’t mind me asking but my protocol says to take aspirin during stims and to stop a day before egg collection. No mention of after transfer or after egg collection just inhixa blood thinner injections. Wondering if you had the same or if I should go back to clinic to recheck x
Yes I had to do the same. I was asked to stop taking it a couple of days before the procedure and then take it again once I’m done. Aspirin is a blood thinner and could risk bleeding during the procedure. I was also asked not to take ibrufen. Taking both during Transfer was alright though.
If you were not prescribed aspirin during transfer, that’s alright. The blood thinner injections are stronger and would do the job. Maybe you don’t need both in your case . For me, what made the difference were the injections and not the aspirin
Yes I have MTFHR C677t hetero, my doctor didn't pay much attention to it and just prescribed baby aspirin after my transfer. I asked him about folic acid, as i knew from research that we should take methyl folate instead of folic acid as our bodies can't absorb folic acid. He prescribed Femibion 1 which contains both folic acid and methyl folate + all essential B vitamins that they say are important if you have MTFHR especially B12. But honestly my doctor told me this is not important and doesn't affect getting pregnant.
Yes! I’m currently 5 weeks pregnant I’ve also had successful transfers that ended in miscarriages (due to reasons unrelated to mtfhr) where I was on both aspirin and clexane. I got BFN when I was on aspirin only so this time I decided to continue with clexane
Aw congrats lovely 😊 xxx
I am also homozygous.. I also take clexane and baby aspirin. It is recommended for this mutation not to take folic acid as your system is not able to break this down to its usable form, so folate or methlyfolate is recommended instead along with methylcobalmin (b12) as both of these are needed to help convert to other biochemical substances for processes in the body. So I don't eat anything that's fortified with Folic acid and I take thorn vitamins. Interesting when I get full blood counts .. my MCV and MCH has always been high and at times when I didn't understand any of this my folic acid levels were high .. but this was due to taking folic acid .. whereas now all these things have started to balance out
Thanks all! Does any know if there is a link between amh and MTHFR gene. I have low amh and funnily enough it has gone higher than the last two readings. Shocked myself!