Pregnancy and Covid Vaccine - Fertility Network UK

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Pregnancy and Covid Vaccine

JayceeAus profile image
82 Replies

Has anyone got any information on having the covid vaccine during pregnancy? I am 6w4ds with my first pregnancy after the DE FET... I don't know what to do...

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JayceeAus profile image
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82 Replies
Hannakallas profile image

Hey, I’m 16 weeks now and I personally will not be having the vaccine (if they offer one!!). They say it’s safe to use but how would they know? They haven’t had the vaccine for 9 months to monitor the whole pregnancy.. I personally won’t be taking the risk as it’s taken us 5 years to get pregnant.. but I appreciate people have different views and opinions x

Mycatsaremykids profile image

Here is the information from the royal collage of

I’m 14 weeks and will be getting it as soon as I’m offered. I really don’t want to catch COVID while pregnant.

DianeArnold profile image
DianeArnoldPartnerNurseFertility Network UK in reply to Mycatsaremykids

Hi Mycatsaremykids. As far as I know, women who becvame pregnant naturally while on the trials are giving birth to OK babies. You need to speak to your GP/midwife for their advice. Hope all continues to go as it should with your pregnancy. Diane

Mycatsaremykids profile image
Mycatsaremykids in reply to DianeArnold

Thanks Diane, yes I don’t think they have seen any adverse issues from births following the previous trials or the interim results from the US trial with pregnant women. I spoke with my midwife she is happy for me to have it once offered.

sunset212 profile image
sunset212 in reply to Mycatsaremykids

Same I agree although I’d prefer to wait until at least 24 weeks mark ( the stage a pregnancy is viable if baby was born outside the womb that could survive) in due in November I am 11 weeks 2 days and I’m sure covid will be more rampant come winter again:-(

sunset212 profile image
sunset212 in reply to Mycatsaremykids

Did you have your vaccine yet, how did everything go?

JayceeAus profile image
JayceeAus in reply to sunset212

I am 9w5 d today so I the midwife tomorrow to get their opinion. I'm included to wait a few weeks yet at least

sunset212 profile image
sunset212 in reply to JayceeAus

I have now had my vaccine. I am 16 weeks. Various sources say to at least wait until past first trimester is through so 14 weeks minimum. I decided to wait that few more. my next one is mid August. its a weight lifted. Feel fine and can feel baby moving as before. All the best with your pregnancy x

Mycatsaremykids profile image
Mycatsaremykids in reply to sunset212

Yes I had it last week. I was 17 weeks exactly. I had the Pfizer jab. I didn’t have any side effects apart from a slightly sore arm. We had a private scan the weekend afterwards and all was looking good. Have you been invited for yours yet?

JayceeAus profile image
JayceeAus in reply to Mycatsaremykids

Yes I have been invited but I couldn't book a Pfizer jab specifically so I'll be speaking to the midwife about it today

sunset212 profile image
sunset212 in reply to Mycatsaremykids

Yes good news. I had my yesterday i have just turned 16 weeks. Felt fine too just a sore arm for a day. xx

Jane8412 profile image

Hey- I am 15 weeks pregnant and calling around trying to get a Moderna or Pfizer vaccine. Unfortunately most clinics only seem to have Astra Zenica which has not been given to pregnant women. They have given the other two to thousands of pregnant women in the US with no adverse affects noted. I understand the worry about untested vaccines (especially after going through IVF to get pregnant) but after reading about the study which has shown a strong link between pregnant women getting Covid and adverse affects on the pregnancy and birth I have decided to get the vaccine ASAP. It's just not worth the risk for me.This article was an eye-opener

Vicster80 profile image
Vicster80 in reply to Jane8412

When your age group is called I assume you’ll be able to just use the national booking service which I think asks if you are pregnant and hopefully it will show you where your nearest site that stocks Pfizer/ moderna is? I’m 40 nearly 41 and planning to have it as soon as I’m called (currently 11 weeks 4). I’ll post on here to tell people if it is possible just to book online - for those who want to do that.

Mycatsaremykids profile image
Mycatsaremykids in reply to Vicster80

Thanks Vicster. I’m 37 and it would be good to know if you are able to book online, my midwife wasn’t sure.

Vicster80 profile image
Vicster80 in reply to Mycatsaremykids

I’m not sure either but I’m hoping so. I’ve been keeping my eyes out on here in case anyone says they’ve already done it! X

Jane8412 profile image
Jane8412 in reply to Vicster80

I called up my GP to see if I could have the vaccine before my age group was called since I feel at risk as a pregnant women. They said I could but they only have Astra Zenica in stock and I’d need to call around to find the other two. Would be very interested to hear how you get on booking your vaccine and whether you can pick. Thank you x

sunset212 profile image
sunset212 in reply to Jane8412

Yes they are not advising the AstraZeneca at all in pregnancy due to the tiny risk of blood clots and with pregnancy anyway already at an increased risk. I think the government would only offer the pfeizer or moderna to pregnant women

Vicster80 profile image
Vicster80 in reply to Mycatsaremykids

So my age group has now been reached and I went on the national booking system this morning. But it does not ask if you are pregnant and just brings up a whole list of venues that you can book into for vaccines without any info about which vaccines they offer. So I called the 119 number and they said you have to go to your GP who will be able to arrange an appropriate vaccine near you. Hmmm well I guess they assume you have a very knowledgeable and helpful GP. I personally can’t get past our receptionist who is very unhelpful. Though the receptionist has given me a contact name at the surgery who might be able to help. That person doesn’t work today though and now it’s a long weekend so I’ll hopefully speak to her some time next week!

Such a shame they haven’t provided a proper process. I’ll update if I get any joy next week.

JayceeAus profile image
JayceeAus in reply to Vicster80

Thanks. I also received the invitation to be vaccinated today. I have asked my fertility doctor his opinion and I await his response

Victoria1800 profile image
Victoria1800 in reply to Vicster80

Exactly the same just happened to me. Just got the text today, went on the online booking system and was expecting to see a question around "trying to get pregnant or fertility treatment" but nothing. I also can't get past my GP receptionist to get advice. I have emailed my local area help desk for advice. The IVF clinic said to just have any vaccine, they are all better than the risk of getting covid. As per the latest advice from the Royal Collage of Gynecology.

Purpledoggy profile image
Purpledoggy in reply to Victoria1800

I had this issue-called GP today and was told abruptly my age is not being done yet, despite me getting a text today, and can I please go away. I am not prego yet but just about to start stims so not up for the AZ vaccine right now, partly as I’d have to avoid the second dose or mix n match if I get a BFP, but also IVF meds have a small risk of causing clots so I don’t feel taking AZ at the same time is a great idea given there is no research on the two together. My clinic were as much use as a chocolate teapot and were really only concerned about my spiking a fever due to the jab meaning I could not come to the clinic and so possibly causing the round to be cancelled 🙄 so, I remain in isolation for treatment. The only thing that did help is I called one testing centre to ask if they had Pfizer and they put me through to the CCG’s vaccination hotline. The guy was v helpful and told me when they expect to have Pfizer available at that site. No help to me right now due to timing but you could try calling the CCG for the area you are being offered jabs in to ask if/when Pfizer is available? Xx

Vicster80 profile image
Vicster80 in reply to Purpledoggy

Ooh good idea. I’ll try that next week thanks!

Victoria1800 profile image
Victoria1800 in reply to Purpledoggy

Wish they had thought about or had advice for people like us. The ones in limbo trying to get pregnant or awaiting their next IVF cycle. Also would be helpful if they were a bit more sympathetic/understanding with us. Some of us have been trying so long, cut out everything harmful in our lives and get anxious about this stuff.

Mycatsaremykids profile image
Mycatsaremykids in reply to Vicster80

Thanks for the update. So poor they haven’t sorted it out. Good luck with your GP.

Vicster80 profile image
Vicster80 in reply to Mycatsaremykids

Think I may have resolved it! My husband had his vaccine today and got home and told me the place he went was only doing moderna. So I went back into the national booking service and it was available to book so I have done! I think if gps don’t help the answer may simply be trying to find out from family and friends who’ve had the vaccine whether they had Pfizer/ moderna and then going where they went. Hope it works out- it’s on Tuesday 😊

Mycatsaremykids profile image
Mycatsaremykids in reply to Vicster80

Oh well done. My hubby is going for his tomorrow so hopefully he can get some intel! We have only told a handful of people we are pregnant so far. I think everyone else might get a bit suspicious if we seem a bit too keen to know which vaccine they had 😂

sunset212 profile image
sunset212 in reply to Vicster80

Congrats I’m 38 , I am also 11 weeks ( +2) xx

sunset212 profile image
sunset212 in reply to Jane8412

I agree with you it sounds a nasty illness if caught whilst pregnant not to mention the possible effects on baby like premature birth, lung issues and eye/blindness problems. 90,000 women is quite a high number x

Running79 profile image

I like Hannakallas will not be having it, I’m 9 weeks + 1day - the governments initial advise was pregnant woman should avoid the vaccine - now all of a sudden it’s safe? Based on what?! Some women in the US using themselves and unborn child as experiments?! Unfortunately this happened in the 50/60’s with the therlidimide drug to stop morning sickness poor children where born with all types of problems due to it.

Personally and for my liking there has not been enough long term studies to show it’s safe, not like the flu/whooping cough vaccines we have. I’ve been very careful until now and will continue to do so - I don’t want to have the jab to potentially look back in 5 - 10 yrs time to think what have I done?!

Obviously it’s personal choice and these views are just that

Hannakallas profile image
Hannakallas in reply to Running79

Glad to hear you’re on the same boat as me! I mean, I am keeping my distance from everyone and I’m always wearing a face mask (and will be doing that until I’ve given birth). I think there’s plenty of pre-cautions you can take yourself without having to get god knows what injected in you...

Running79 profile image
Running79 in reply to Hannakallas

I agree, they say if you have the jab it doesn’t stop you getting it anyway, albeit your symptoms maybe slightly less!!

I’m fortunate I’m working from home, but even if I do go back into the office I will maintain social distancing, windows open etc. the only time I’m out at the moment is if I’m food shopping which is a couple of times a month if not just once a month and going to the pet shop.

I keep my distance from people like you and wear my mask, hand sanitise and wash my hands as well where needed and make sure I keep my hands away from my face unless I’ve been at home all day! Anything that comes into the house I disinfect with zoflora to try and keep us as safe as possible. If I’ve had trades people in they are disinfected out!!!

I didn’t particularly want the jab anyway, but due to the fact that we like to travel abroad I don’t really have much option especially if vaccine passports are asked for, but I’ll be sure to do that until after this journey is over

Tigr profile image
Tigr in reply to Running79

They did not say it was unsafe before and randomly changed their mind. There were just not enough (human) data. They have collected a lot of data from the US and Isreal now and do offer the vaccine to pregnant women based on this newly available data. You can check easily what is injected because it is listed on the data sheet. I do understand that this is a personal decision to get the vaccine or not and it is fair enough if you don't want it. I also think the whole narrative around guidelines randomly changing, suspicion about what is in the vaccine and comparison to medication is not helpful though.

Nuszkahope profile image


It is a difficult one isn’t it? Initially I thought I will definitely not be getting it but apparently it is very dangerous for a pregnant woman to have covid so now I am leaning towards it ... I still have long way to go but if I get to 12 weeks and stop steroids and clexane I will be getting the vaccine x

Lisichka profile image

Hello. I’m based in the US and the guidance here since January was to have the vaccine. I waited until 31 weeks to have it, then received my second dose at 34 weeks (Pfizer). I wanted to pass the antibodies onto the baby. Have not had any side effects and everything is normal with the baby. There’s a really helpful Facebook group for pregnant and breastfeeding women who have had or are about to have the vaccine, it’s called Covid-19 vaccine-evidence based group:pregnancy, lactation TTC and families. It’s a very personal decision and you have to do what’s right for you and your family

sunset212 profile image
sunset212 in reply to Lisichka

What is the uptake in pregnant women in the US in your state where you live, more than 50%? Is there a certain trimester they recommend I.e avoid 1st trimester as critical development stage. I was hoping to get it from 24 weeks onwards. And I believe it should be 8 weeks apart between doses with pfeizer?

Lisichka profile image
Lisichka in reply to sunset212

I actually don’t know the uptake but the pregnancy class I go to, all the girls took it from about 24-28 weeks. I’m in Southern California. I waited until the third trimester (31 weeks) because that’s what I was comfortable with. Here the recommendation is 3 weeks between doses but I’m not sure what it’s like in other countries. I think due to supply issues it could be more. Have a look at Fb group I mentioned, there are many girls from Europe there

sunset212 profile image
sunset212 in reply to Lisichka

Thank you for sharing and the info in your state really interesting x

MakingBabyB profile image

I’m 38 weeks pregnant and will not have the COVID vaccine even after baby arrives as I plan to breastfeed.I know some pregnant women have had the vaccine but their babies have not been born yet and therefore you don’t know if there are any side effects caused to your unborn child.xx

Running79 profile image
Running79 in reply to MakingBabyB

I think unless there is some overwhelming evidence from a long term study - I can’t put myself up for it - not that I’ve been called up for the vaccine anyway as I’m 41.

Having read the information from my clinic they stated you could have the first jab but not the second one, which you would obviously be in treatment- the vaccine isn’t fully effective without the second one, and also there is a time frame to have the second one in, so how I took that was it would be pretty pointless having it because the likelihood is you would need to have the first dose again 🤷‍♀️

Bluemxg profile image

This maybe useful to watch. I have been in two minds and at the start wasn't going to get the vacacine (I'm 29 weeks now) but after doing more research on the guidance and watching this I have changed my mind, I don't want to run the risk of catching covid in last few weeks. It is a difficult call either way.

Lisichka profile image
Lisichka in reply to Bluemxg

I wasn’t going to have it originally too, esp I actually had Covid when I was 13 weeks pregnant. I recovered really well and it wasn’t a big deal. But given that it’s still around, and the risk is high for pregnant women, I decided to get the vaccine. Maybe because we’re in the States, there are lots of pregnant women who have had the vaccine and are doing fine (two of my friends just gave birth actually and their babies are healthy). It is a difficult call but I feel at peace with the decision to get vaccinated

JayceeAus profile image

Thanks all, I'm still very cautious about it but I'll wait till its offered and then see what happens

hifer profile image

It’s a very personal decision. I’m not here trying to persuade people but for what it’s worth I was swaying towards having it because of the risk for pregnant women in the third trimester. Yesterday I saw my consultant (at a very large reputable hospital in central London) and she said that the whole department was very pro the Covid vaccine for pregnant women. They have admitted several (50) women in their third trimester with Covid and obviously had to treat them and they’ve all been really poorly. Not good for mother or baby. It’s not a risk I’m willing to take. Good luck with your decision x

sunset212 profile image

Hi the JVAC ( joint vaccine committee have recently updated their guidance that pregnant women may have the vaccine if they wish to at same time they are called forward by their age group. If you fall into any high risk categories anyway such as having diabetes before pregnancy, a heart condition, asthma or any other immune problem then it’s highly recommended to have it. A large study in the USA covering 90,000 women with the pfeizer vaccine so far has shown no safety concerns. A leading professor named in paper last weekend at a kings hospital London strongly recommends the vaccine to all pregnant women due to the significant risks of caught especially in third trimester such as increased risk to icu for both mother and / or baby. Personally I am considering it I am 11 weeks but no way I would have it until I am passed the 1st trimester. I wouldn’t advise on 1st trimester when things are critical development wise. It’s the woman’s choice though at the end of the day . X

hifer profile image
hifer in reply to sunset212

Can I ask why you wouldn’t have it before 24 weeks please? X

sunset212 profile image
sunset212 in reply to hifer

Sorry my initial thought was from 24 weeks as this is the gestation a baby is considered viable outside the womb if it was to be born. However after reading the link a lady posted earlier from RCOB I think providing I have completed 1st trimester - after 13/14 weeks I think I will have the pfeizer when offered.x

hifer profile image
hifer in reply to sunset212

Ah understood. Makes sense. I’ve just had whooping cough and they don’t give that until 16 weeks. My first Covid jab is booked for next week and I’ll be 18 weeks. X

sunset212 profile image
sunset212 in reply to hifer

That’s great. It will be a weight off knowing your protected 🤞 Do you know it’s pfeizer ? X

hifer profile image
hifer in reply to sunset212

I don’t, no. You can’t book in advance as to which you have. I figure they will know I’m pregnant as I was given a code from the hospital with which to book. Plan B is that they ask you on the day if you’re pregnant (consultant told me) and will make allowances. Plan C is that if they really only have AZ then I won’t have it and will make alternative plans! I will also try and investigate on Monday and see if I can do some detective work about how it all works before hand. A time consuming plan 🤣x

sunset212 profile image
sunset212 in reply to hifer

Hi with also having had fertility treatment what’s the code the hospital give to you, is it a ‘universal thing’ from the fertility clinic is it worth I ask mine. I am up in Liverpool x

hifer profile image
hifer in reply to sunset212

No it’s not a universal thing re fertility. I had my fertility treatment elsewhere. It’s a booking code that everyone gets. I had a link sent to my phone to book a jab and it was on there. X

JayceeAus profile image
JayceeAus in reply to hifer

Let us know how it goes

FoxKinder profile image

I had the first vaccine at the beginning of March, a good 4 weeks before my egg collection as my clinic advised that this was OK. I got my BFP 12 days ago so will not be having my second vaccine until baby has arrived.

sunset212 profile image
sunset212 in reply to FoxKinder

Congratulations on your Bfp 🥰 How did you feel after jab ok? x

FoxKinder profile image
FoxKinder in reply to sunset212

Yes I was OK. I took paracetamol before I had it and for 2 days after so the only side effect I got was a very sore arm. R u having the jab x

sunset212 profile image
sunset212 in reply to FoxKinder

I am hoping to yes when I am called forward in a couple of weeks. I am 11 weeks + 2 , so will co-inside nicely for when I am passed the first trimester.X

FoxKinder profile image
FoxKinder in reply to sunset212

Congrats on your pregnancy 😊 x

FoxKinder profile image
FoxKinder in reply to sunset212

How have you been feeling x

sunset212 profile image
sunset212 in reply to FoxKinder

Thank you :-) I am beginning to feel more normal again now. My sickness has mostly subsided as have the sore breasts. I have a subchrionic haematoma and had clots at the beginning which have stopped now since week 8. 🙏🏻. I was terrible with nausea and sore boobs between weeks 6 and 10. I have a 20 month old and it was the same. How are you doing? Are you around 6 weeks now? X

FoxKinder profile image
FoxKinder in reply to sunset212

Yes 6 weeks and 1 day and my viability scan is on Tuesday. I've started getting on/off nausea and had sore boobs for weeks now. I had to 2 grade A embryos put back in so will find out soon how many have stuck! I have a 4 yr old and i had constant nausea from week 7/8 until week 18 🤢 x x

sunset212 profile image
sunset212 in reply to FoxKinder

Aw wow 2 grade A embies that’s fab! Would you like twins? My little boy was a 5AB I was confident it would stick. This little one was slower to hatch stage but a nice division 3BB:-) Is your 4 year old a girl or a boy I have had more nausea this time in terms of it lasting longer. With my boy nausea was finished in week 8 x

FoxKinder profile image
FoxKinder in reply to sunset212

I honestly don't mind. I was just so happy to see the positive test result. I think we have a 40% chance of it being twins. Oh its amazing that you have been successful twice. How lovely. Do you think you might be having a girl then this time?

My 4yr old is a little boy and he was conceived naturally. Hubby and I qre suffering from secondary infertility x

sunset212 profile image
sunset212 in reply to FoxKinder

Yes just seeing a positive is the main joy isn’t it :-)) Thank you, yes I spent a lot of time researching best supplements, lifestyle changes and vitamins to prep my fertility better. I had quite a good egg reserve and was only 35 at time of egg collection. My main thoughts are baby is healthy I really don’t mind whether it’s another boy or a girl. This will probably be my last child now so I guess just that alone it would be a nice surprise if a girl but if a boy will be a nice brother for my son best wishes for your scan next week. Exciting times x x

sunset212 profile image
sunset212 in reply to FoxKinder

How did your scan go all well i do hope xx

FoxKinder profile image
FoxKinder in reply to sunset212

Hey. How are you doing? Yes I had a scan at 6 weeks 4 days and all looked ok. Had a private scan at 9 weeks 1 day and was measuring 2 days ahead. My 12 week scan is 15th June so not too long to wait now. How is everything's going with you? X x

sunset212 profile image
sunset212 in reply to FoxKinder

Fabulous great news! I am 17 weeks on Thursday. Getting to 20 week scan is dragging now a little! lol. So far baby measuring 4 days ahead. All the best xx

Materialbarbie profile image

I had my first jab as I work in a hospital and found out I was pregnant a few days after and panicked! I was reassured and told not to worry but not to get my second jab. Since then things have changed and if you work in a job where you could be exposed and are pregnant they say you can get it but it is all at your own risk so I’m not personally getting my second jab until after baby is born now! I wouldn’t have had it in the first place if I thought I was pregnant. Chances are it won’t effect the baby as we have flu jabs etc while pregnant but I wouldn’t want to risk anything just yet! X

sunset212 profile image
sunset212 in reply to Materialbarbie

Worked out well you have had at least 1 dose though congratulations mama-to-be xx

Materialbarbie profile image
Materialbarbie in reply to sunset212

I know! I’m so glad I managed to get 1 dose in!! Thankyou so much! Congratulations to you too!! Xx

sunset212 profile image
sunset212 in reply to Materialbarbie

Thank you 😊xx

I’m 36w now my midwife at 34w said I can have the jab as I’ve now got GD but she said I’m not telling you have to have it if you want it speak to your dr. I have had the invitation just yesterday aswel as my age group is starting to get it.

I’m choosing not to and even afterwards I’m not jumping in straight away with virtually zero positive tests hospital admissions or deaths in my area I really don’t feel the need, the vaccine will be available forever just like the flu jab.

sunset212 profile image
sunset212 in reply to

Where about in the Uk are you from, I’m up in Merseyside and 38 years old not heard a thing yet. I am 12 weeks + 2

in reply to sunset212

Hi Newcastle area well Northumberland I’m 41 just starting to do under 45.

Olivia1980xxx profile image

Hi I’m 25 weeks pregnant and I all ready had two Messages to do vaccine and letter .

I’m definitely not going to do it while I’m pregnant…..maybe maybe after. Xx

Marisa32 profile image

Can you provide the link to the peer reviewed clinical study indicating vaccine causes MCs or long term infertility? I'm having a hard time understanding how could anyone have data/evidence of "long-term" infertility caused by something that's been around only since January. 🤔 time travel?

Tigr profile image

VAERS data are unverified and are not analysed compared to a control group that is not vaccinated. They are super useful to pick up potential small effects even but more for starting a study and not for saying that there is a correlation. You can imagine this like lets say 30 people got a cold after vaccination. VERS will tell you this happened but it will not tell you how many people in an unvaccinated population will have had a cold in the same time. If there are also 30 people with a cold in the unvaccinated control group in a study you are doing, the 30 colds in VAERS do not mean anything but your vaccine has zero effect on the risk of getting a cold. Currently there is no evidence that the vaccines for Covid increase the risk of miscarriage or infertility compared to an unvaccinated control group. It is always good to be nice to your immune system though, so keep on eating the healthy food, ladies :)

Marisa32 profile image
Marisa32 in reply to Tigr

I'm finding out that many people do not understand that correlation does not equal causation. I feel like nobody takes Statistics in college anymore. Frustrating 🤦‍♀️

Tigr profile image
Tigr in reply to Marisa32

Ah the VAERS does not really even get to correlation and for causation lots of experiments and analysis need to be done. But is good to have the VAERS data! Don't be too frustrated. People have a load of other stuff to deal with and there are so many sources of information around. It is really difficult to evaluate what is closer to a truth, there is a lot of clickbaiting around and also a lot of evil, and a lot of mistrust in science or politics. It is not that people are stupid, many are just surrounded by questionable sources that offer easy solutions, feel quite powerless, gain a sense of community in there and maybe some sort of purpose and genuinely want to save other people with the knowledge they gained from their questionable or misinterpreted sources. Call people out for it, explain or report but don't get too wound up :)

Running79 profile image
Running79 in reply to Tigr

Well said!!

Marisa32 profile image
Marisa32 in reply to Tigr

Lol yeah I didn't mean this forum specifically. I live in a country where Qanon conspiracies ran rampant and it's just seriously taking its toll affecting everyone around. One of their recent ones being "standing next to a vaccinated person" causes infertility. I mean you can't make this stuff up.

Vicster80 profile image

This is an extremely dangerous post that is aimed at scaring people. No place for this on a forum that is to provide help and support to others.

Running79 profile image
Running79 in reply to Vicster80

No more scary then what TV/radio and social media are putting out

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