Fibroids : Anyone has fibrosis removed... - Fertility Network UK

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Lind58 profile image
10 Replies

Anyone has fibrosis removed for ivf? If so how long after did you do a transfer?

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Lind58 profile image
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10 Replies
Sunflower24 profile image

Hi Lind58, so I dont know how helpful it will be but I had a polyp in my uterus. My FE did a D&C while he did my egg retrieval (I guess because I was already sedated), he told me that he wanted me to wait until my levels and uterus went back to normal before my transfer. I am doing PGT so I had to wait anyway. With that being said I feel that as long as your levels are where they should be and you lining is right then you should be fine. Best of luck to you!!

Sparklylife profile image

Hi Lind58 ! I had a fibroid removed in September 2019. But I think it still varies from case to case. So my story may not really help your question. We were told I could not fall pregnant for at least 3 months after surgery. My uterus had to heal fully to reduce the risk of uterine rupture I was told.

Mine was rather large, so had to have an open abdominal surgery, it could not be done keyhole. We are also unexplained infertility, so all tests came back normal other than this fibroid I had.

They could not say for certain if the fibroid was the cause of our infertility, but at the same time, due to the size of it, if I were to fall pregnant, it was unlikely I could carry a pregnancy full term and was likely to have a late miscarriage they said.

Due to this, they wanted us to try naturally for a pregnancy first after my surgery. We waited 3 months post surgery, then we tried naturally for 3 months. But no success, so we were officially put on the ivf waiting list in April 2020. I had my first transfer November 2020 - which was a success!! 🥰🤞 So just hoping everything will go well till the end! On my 12 week scan, they found 3 new fibroids that must have grown since. I had a tiny one on my baseline scan, but they said so small, they were happy for us to go ahead. But ivf drugs and pregnancy hormones must have aided them to grow perhaps. Just hoping with all I have they won’t cause an issue to this pregnancy 🙏

Wishing you all the best and hopefully you will get your transfer soon!! 🥰

Lind58 profile image
Lind58 in reply to Sparklylife

Thank you for your reply. Best of luck on your pregnancy ❤️

JoyfulStar profile image
JoyfulStar in reply to Sparklylife

Congratulations on your success!

I also had a large fibroid removed in September 2019 before I could have IVF. It was a myomectomy and I was initially told I needed 6 months before I could try IVF but after the surgery, I was told I could try in 3 months.

I contacted my hospital in January but started Stims in March 2020. Due to Covid, I did not have a fresh transfer but had a FET in July 2020 instead- it was a BFN.

I still have other fibroids but been given the go ahead for IVF which I am going through now. I have asked my clinic to measure my fibroids to see if any of them grew since my initial scan.

Sparklylife profile image
Sparklylife in reply to JoyfulStar

Aw, I do hope it works out this time for you! It was the same surgery I had, myomectomy. The fibroids they have seen on my 12 week scan had not grown or changed by my 20 week scan, so hopefully they will not cause an issue now towards the end, but they are monitoring them. So got two more scans booked.

I wish you all the best with your IVF round and hope it is successful for you!! 🤞🥰

JoyfulStar profile image
JoyfulStar in reply to Sparklylife

Thank you so much my dear. ❤️Hope you have a smooth pregnancy and a pleasant delivery. Please do share your news when the time comes 😊

Lacryacky profile image

Hi Lind58, I’m in the same situation, I have more than one fibroid, last year when we start the IVF journey they said is oke and we can carry on. One of the fibroids grew quite large due stims, and cycle had to be cancelled and have it removed. Also, not many follicles either. Haven’t done nothing yet to remove it/ them,don’t know if to go private, or NHS, overwhelmed about everything. Our consultant did said, if it’s an open surgery we need to wait 3 months before starting again. If it’s a keyhole surgery we can start the next cycle.

Wishing you all the best!!!

JoyfulStar profile image
JoyfulStar in reply to Lacryacky

So sorry to hear about what you are going through. It can be overwhelming to know what is the best path.

My advice for fibroids is to deal with them before they get too big. There are several options and all depends on the size and location. Due to the size of the fibroid I had which was within the uterus, I could not proceed with IVF so I had to have it removed via open surgery.

I had mine done on the NHS although I explored private options. As I was going to pay for IVF treatment, I could not afford both. You can always start exploring the NHS options. You will likely be placed on a waiting list anyways and they will tell you how long you will need to wait for. You can always remove yourself from a waiting list once you have an alternative.

Top tip: you can ask your G.P to refer you to more than one hospital Trust to be put on several waiting lists. This helped reduce my waiting time from 12 months to 6 months in 2019. I also was referred to a Trust that had a specialism in fibroid removal.

All the best 🙏🏾

Lacryacky profile image
Lacryacky in reply to JoyfulStar

Hey JoyfulStar,

I hope you are oke. Talked to Gp takes to long, we decided to go privately even will be another financial toll, hopefully this month I will get to see someone and move forward a bit ...🤗

JoyfulStar profile image
JoyfulStar in reply to Lacryacky

Glad to hear you have a solution! Hope it works out really well for you ❤️

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