Hi all had a scan at the EPU today .. she saw an early gestational sac but no yolk. She said either too early or early failing pregnancy. I am about a week behind where I should be. Anyone had anything similar and it turned out ok ?
5 weeks 5 days no yolk: Hi all had a... - Fertility Network UK
5 weeks 5 days no yolk

Hey lovely, sorry you have this worry. I’d say it is a little early. Can you get your HCg levels checked to be sure? Xxx
Thank you x I had the early scan as my hcg hasn’t doubled since Saturday so only slowly progressing so I got really worried about etopic ! She said 90% not etopic as can see sac however no yolk and from my dates I am a few days behind ! I don’t hold out much hope !
Ahh that’s a relief it isn’t ectopic but still a worry. You just never know though, a scan in another week or so could make all the difference.
Hoping for you 💞xxx
Thank you I am 6 weeks Friday so they should be able to start seeing something after that ... so will know more then .. I always do everything the hard way .. I have been in such a state today ! Feel so ill from crying etc. It’s so hard as I am so bloated and feel sick now so it’s like I am pregnant .. nothing is easy is it
When is your next scan? Oh bless you lovely. It’s so hard I know. Can you maybe listen to the Mindful app to calm you or another? It’s so difficult but it’s important to look after yourself 💞xxx
Thank you I think I prob need to as don’t handle stress very well. I can go to my clinic over weekend but I think it’s too early ... I have one at the EPU on Wednesday next week !
Glad to hear it’s not an ectopic. Did you do a frozen transfer? Sometimes they can be a bit slower to get going? I read measuring up to a week behind is fine it’s just only if it’s like 2 weeks behind that outcome doesn’t look good 🤞x
Oh I really feel for you! It’s so hard. I don’t have a positive story but keeping my fingers crossed for you xxx
Sorry lovely, I can't offer any advice but wanted to reach out and send you a big hug. Keeping everything crossed 🤞🏻 xx
Yes with my first. They rescanned me at 6 weeks and 2 days and there he was. Prayers and sticky baby thoughts your way.
That’s super early to see anything in a scan, crossing my fingers it’s better news in a week or so xx

Thank you so much x it’s such a roller coaster x
I would say it's still early. My sister had a bleed at under 6 weeks and when scanned they couldn't see much but just a slight heart beat. He is now a chirpy 9 month old. Praying it's better news for you next week xx
Its still quite early I would say however given that your hCG isn't doubling as it should, I also don't want to get your hopes up. Its horrible being in limbo land, thinking of you.xx
So little update last Friday I did a FET and it was 2-3 weeks and just did one now and it’s saying 3+. I am 6 weeks today ? Does anyone know what the hcg is for 3+ weeks ??
Kc21, just to clarify, are you referring to clear blue digital and wondering what’s the HCG level if it shows 3+?
Yea do you know abs how accurate it is ? My hcg Tuesday was 1630 so I wanted to try and work out what the minimum it might be ??
According to clearblue website (which I also found as one of the ladies kindly posted the link, 3+ threshold is 2753! 1-2 weeks is 10 and 2-3 weeks is 153
Yea I saw this ... I wonder if that’s accurate and that is minimum as that has raised my hope slightly xxx I wondered if anyone had a blood test and also done the test xx turning into a mad women !!
Just found the link, as it’s not easy to find. I don’t know how accurate it is, they say it’s 99 per cent accurate but is based on urine HCG so might somewhat be different from serum hcg