After such a long time I wanted to share with you my beautiful boy to be born. He is 27 weeks. I always questioned whether posting these kind of images gave other women hope and I can only say what I would feel which is hope that it can happen. Miracles can happen and sometimes that can even happen the first time. So here he is, my miracles. After 6 miscarriages, 3 small ops and my protocol my doctor did for me below :(which I think was spot on and Iβm so happy with my choice in doctor)
Gonal f for about a week/10 days ish
Egg retrieval (granted I had quite a few as no low AMH)
Immediate fertilization and then pgs testing on all viable 5 day blastocyst embryos. 6 out of 9 came back healthy.
Medicated cycle and insertion of an AA 5 day blast.
Here is my angel.
Thanks for everyone support on here. So many of you kept me sane and hopeful in my darkest darkest hours.