Hey everyone! After our 1st fresh transfer that failed, the doctor suggested that because the eggs fertilised well but slowly developed, it could be an issue with high fragmentation sperm (knowing that I have a low AMH for my age but managed to increase eggs number and maturity with DHEA). As we only have 1 round funded by the NHS, and before pulling off a bank job, we were thinking of life changes and supplements for a bit and see if that helps naturally. Would any of you have tips, advice, or even success stories? Thank you so much
Possible DNA fragmentation issue - Fertility Network UK
Possible DNA fragmentation issue

So sorry to hear about your failed cycle. interested to see what others say. I also have low amh for my age. Hubby is due to have tests for dna fragmentation next month so if anything interesting comes from this will let you know xx
I would get him COMET tested - yes, it will be expensive (although barely, compared to self-funded IVF), but you'll know what you're dealing with and whether it's a slight issue that can hopefully be addressed with lifestyle changes or not. My husband has turned out to have extremely high DNA fragmentation and I'm frustrated that we only tested after a failed cycle and after trying diet and supplements for some months etc, because with the level of fragmentation he has, straightforward ICSI was never going to be successful, diet and supplements were not going to be enough, so essentially we've lost a lot of time and money and at 41 I haven't got much time, nor having remortgaged the house to afford IVF do we have much money. We're now waiting to see the urologist but it sounds like either we're going to need some kind of TESE, and/or my husband may need a varicocele removed, or it may be things are just not going to work out with his sperm. Having said that, we had a relatively low fertilisation rate with ICSI - 3 of 8 eggs fertilised, then they developed well until day 3 when 2 stopped developing and one kept developing very slowly. Apparently that kind of pattern is more typical of major sperm issues.
I would test now so you know what's going on. Wishing you lots of luck xx
We considered sperm fragmentation tests but our clinic said not to bother as the treatment for it is just high doses of things which are already in a really good male pre conception supplement - as my DH had been on Proceive Max for years which contains it all they said no point