So ladies I’ve finally done my trigger injection and am having my eggs collected Monday! Any advice on what to expect? What to do and what not to do? Hoping that all will go well but worried about the egg quality 😩
Trigger injection: So ladies I’ve... - Fertility Network UK
Trigger injection

I was told to eat from after 6pm the night before (I guess this would vary depending on the time your booked in for) and couldn’t drink water after 6am the following morning. I had to put in a rectal pessary for pain relief/ relaxing when I got there. They told me to bring slippers and dressing gown. I think I arrived at 8:30 and had left by 11am. Oh they put a cannula in my hand. I personally was ok with the discomfort but they did offer me gas and air when I was in there but I didn’t need it.
I took it easy that afternoon, watched films in bed.
Have they said how many follicles there are? Just remember it only needs one 😊
Good luck.
Only advice I have is the standard dont wear any perfume, hairspray, deodorant or fragranced body lotions. Other than that I found it WAY less scary than I thought it would be (didn’t remember a thing!)
Rest up that afternoon- lots of Netflix & chocolate! 😝
Good luck!! Let us know how you get on 😘🤞🏻🌈 xx
Best of luck!
Mine went really fast, it got a bit uncomfortable so they also gave me gas and air which was great haha. Just tell them if you get that way and they’ll help. I think they may have given me too little anaesthetic in the first place - said it’d be like I’ve had 2 glasses of wine, well it takes a bit more with me haha!
I had a couple of days of sofa rest prepared with snacks at the ready but actually I was just fine, no pain after, just took it easy.
Good luck! Try not to worry xx
So you was slightly awAre of what was going on? 😩 I’ve got work on Tuesday and I’m wondering if I’ll be ready to go in 🙈 thank you! ❤️
Well until I had the gas and air then I could feel nothing! Just ask if you need it, but loads don’t 😊
I booked the day after off but in fairness didn’t need it really, I was fine and had no pain after, didn’t need any paracetamol or anything xx
I was put to sleep for mine and wasn’t aware of anything. I suppose each clinic has its own protocol xx
I’m just wondering what to expect now and everyone has there own take on it so I’m not sure now 😩🙈 xx
Ah yes there are lots of differing stories, I was really nervous before mine too but it’s super quick really and they look after you (I got a cuppa and a croissant after and lots of tlc from my partner) x
The other half has to get off to another hospital to do a fresh sample and take my eggs! That’s why I’m so worried I’m goin to be by myself 😩 x
Oh dear! Ah I’ve heard of that in some clinics... Must be quite stressful for the men too I imagine! X
Yep he’s like the penguin who then takes the eggs to look after them! X