The saying “Save the best until last” rings true tonight. Of all the injections my husband has given me- the trigger was the least painful one 💉🙈.
We were both so excited- couldn’t wait to put the sharps box in its little bag.
I’m struggling to keep still- excited and nervous. I feel like a child before going on a summer holiday 😂.
I feel guilty almost for being this happy when it’s like 30% chance of it being positive but for all the hoops we have had to jump through to get to this stage of even giving it a go, I’m going to try and enjoy it.
Random- Question: I have quite a bit of the Gonal F pens left over. What do you do with them? Keep them for future rounds, if 1st fails, or do you take them to the cliNic?
Anyone else at a similar point on their cycle journey?