My OTD is tomorrow. I think I've been pretty relaxed up until now but tonight the reality of how important tomorrow is has hit me and Im feeling really nervous. I'll be up at 5 am to pee on a stick!
With this being my first IVF Im a bit unsure of it all. My egg collection was two weeks ago today. Does that mean my period would have been due today? If I get my BFP tomorrow (wishful thinking) do I continue with my pesseries?
Any advice appreciated.
Thank you xx
UPDATE - Cant quite believe Im saying this but we got a strong positive this morning. I've phoned our clinic and left a message asking for blood work as we've been here twice before (natural then IUI) and both times it ended in miscarriage at about 5 weeks. Surprised, excited, happy, nervous and anxious all at the same time. Thank you for all your well wishes and support. xxx