Hi, if you pay for private IVF treatment abroad and it doesn’t work, would you still be entitled to UK funded IVF or not as you’ve tried private before albeit in a different country?
IVF abroad and UK NHS entitlement - Fertility Network UK
IVF abroad and UK NHS entitlement

Hi LR. I had a private go in the UK before the NHS approved me for funding for a cycle. It made no difference. If you’re worried don’t tell the NHS! xx
It depends on the rules in your local area. Different ccgs have completely different rules.
I’m in Scotland and it made no difference. Like lizzielizzielizzie says, the rules will be different in different parts of the country but I also think BunnyHope is right - just don’t tell them. How would they know otherwise?
I’d check your local CCG rules. My concerns with taking the plan of just not telling the NHS is that often your first cycle is a bit of a learning process in how your body responds to drugs. In a second cycle a clinic (the same or a different one) may change your protocol based on how your body responds to the first and what sort of outcome you have. But if they don’t have this information they can’t utilise it at all. I would want them to have this information in case it made a difference. Just my thoughts
I'd check with your CCG. We had private treatment before our NHS treatment and they didn't consider it a problem for us (we were allowed x3 IUI, x1 IVF Fresh and x1 FET with the NHS) however... they made it clear that if we go for private treatment mid-NHS cycles (I was investigating NK Cell testing), then the NHS funding would be withdrawn. How the NHS would find out, I'm not sure, but worth bearing in mind. We found it frustrating as the NHS refused to amend our protocol after our fresh cycle BFN even though I had overwhelming evidence of an overactive immune system.
Hey have you researched about ivf abroad? im super new to this whole ivf thing and i heard that ivf abroad is cheaper? like in Spain or Cyprus
Hi, I asked this question for a friend so I haven’t researched it personally but I’m sure if you ask some of the lovely ladies who replied above they will be able to answer your questions in more detail, sorry but thanks for asking x
Hello different areas have different rules. I’m in Scotland and if you’ve had a private round of IVF you don’t qualify for NHS treatment. It’s probably best to contact the fertility clinic to find out.
Good luck