Don't know what came over me but had the sudden urge to test early. I have a blood test booked for Friday so going to try not to get too over excited until then but I am feeling full of hope,although I am all to aware that this is just the first hurdle!!
Sensitive Post - 10dp6dt - BFP - Fertility Network UK
Sensitive Post - 10dp6dt - BFP
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Oh my goodness!! 😱 Eeeeek! You just made my week! Congrats claire you so deserve this! So so happy for you sweetheart! 🙌😁😍💗
Thankyou lovely, your message means a lot and we have been through a lot!! Xxx
Congratulations xx
Thankyou so much,how are you holding out? Xx
Yippppeeeeeeeeee Clairey!! So happy for you, you've cheered me right up lovely lady!! First hurdle but a biggie, got everything crossed for you!xxx
Thankyou Cinderella,that means a lot and again thankyou for all of the advice you have given me,I took it all on board!!! Xxx

Well we'll never know what worked but something did so happy to have helped maybe a wee bit!😘xxx
Oh amazing! 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 keeping everything crossed for you xxx
Also got my BFP from a day 6 DE FET last week. Here’s to a happy and healthy pregnancy x
Thank you and Congratulations to you to,are you going to have a blood test? X
Congratulations ❤️x
Great news, congratulations xx
Thank you so much xx
So happy for you! Massive congratulations on this news - hope things move forward smoothly for you! Xx
Thankyou so much,hopefully the blood test Fri will come back with a nice HCG reading xx

Hi Clairemix. Looking good so far. Fingers crossed all continues to go well so you can get your first scan booked. Diane
Thankyou Diane, I feel a bit numb at the moment and trying not to get too excited as I know from experience there is a long way to go but first hurdle over x
Just look forward to your first scan, which will reassure you. Diane xx
Diane,as well as my pregnacare supplement I also take cod liver oil,vit D and a probiotic, am I ok to continue with these or should I stop taking them?
Hi Clairemix. Yes, I can't see that they would harm you. Diane
Thanks Diane for coming back to me x
Oh that looks like a good line 😊 Fab news x
Thankyou, have a blood test booked Fri so hopefully will get a good HCG reading x
Thank you so much xx
Wowee!!!!! Congrats!!!! X
Thankyou Scarlett,still hasn't sunk in,didn't get any sleep last night!! How is everything with you? X
Great news 😀
Thankyou so much xxx
Missed this post not always on here!
Huge congrats hope all goes well with your pregnancy xoxo
Thanks Jess, I have my blood test tomorrow so hopefully it will show that it's definitely positive,I'm struggling to believe its real!!!
Hows your little one getting on? Xxx
Fab news! Congratulations xxx
Thankyou so much xxx