so today's positive was a lovely dog walK after a very busy day at work. ..should be working tonight but decided against it and opted for lovely bath with candles. I also feel blessed to have all you fab folk on here..always there when I need you and genuinely looking out for me and wishing me well...hoping new clinic, no drugs and this be our time..6th time lucky surely???? 😂😂😂come on where's today's positives?😂🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌻🌻🌻🌞🌞🌞🌞xxxx
daily positive😁: so today's positive... - Fertility Network UK
daily positive😁

Oooh yay, the positives are back. What a lovely day.
I had a train journey to London for work and decided not to get my laptop open at 6.30am (why did I ever do that??? Felt I should as everyone else did). Instead I watched Amazon prime. Yay. It's a gorgeous journey down the east coast with blue seas and green fields.
Tonight I went for a walk down to the Thames and ate wahaca (mexican) for dinner on the banks of the Thames. Crossing the bridge I took some lovely evening piccies. I have been in bed since 9pm watching tv. Yippee x

now that sounds like a good day alright. .what is that all about? I find myself on emails at 7pm. .not healthy so good for prime much more fun xxx
I love Wahaca xx
It was my first time and they persuaded me to have the churros with caramel sauce for pudding. Yum yum xx
Lovely, keep them coming!
I am on my way to the clinic to get PUPO!!! 😁😁😁 they said if I didn't receive a call by 9am (I'm in New Zealand so it's 9:50 am) then I have at least 1 good embryo to transfer! 😁😁 so in just over an hour's time I will officially be PUPO!!! 😁😍🙃 xxx
Yay. Go you! Xxx

woooooo hooooooo I love being PUPO. .that's the best positive xxx
Wishing you lots of luck xx
Pleased to hear your positives of the day.
I met up with my sister after yesterday's fiasco with her pregnancy news.
We had a chat, I explained that she had upset me with the way she broke the news and that I had an appointment etc. She had forgotten about my appointment and was really sorry.
We had a lovely time shopping and had some lunch.
Now home with hubby relaxing. Xxx
well done you..really important to let people know if they upset you. .very brave xx
So glad to read this. I'm pleased you cleared the air and managed to have a nice time together xx

Thank you so much. Xxx
Sounds lovely, Vic. A bath with candles is far better than working 😁 xx

you got a positive hun?xxx
6th time for you and me Vic 🤞🏻
Bath and candles are bliss. Did you have the fire lit too?
I’ve not had the best day. Amber was poorly this morning so we got her an emergency appointment at the vets. She’s got blocked gas in her stomach, her temperature was low, her blood glucose was high and heart heart rate too. Remember how I lost two buns last year? Lilly, followed by Tigger? Well Tigger died from what Amber has now. I cried at the vets. Amber being poorly on top of Poopy (Brother’s/Family dog) is the worst timing. It all just got a bit much. Then when we settled the bill the receptionists were cuddling a newborn bought in by another staff member. I got in the lift with Hubby and cried again. It was all too much.
Anyway Amber and Otto are inside the house for a while because we’re having to force feed Amber and it would stress her out even more having to chase her in their set up outside, because it’s so huge. She can easily evade us.
So positives for today 🤔 hmmm........ I know my buns and I knew instantly Amber wasn’t right so we’ve caught this quick. That’s a positive. With them being inside I can give Otto cuddles and kisses as much as I like, even though I’m covered in fur and it’s up my nose, you can’t beat a cuddle with a fluffy bunbun. Another positive is that we had the money to pay the vet bill today thanks to the money we’ve put aside for just that reason, even if we did pay it all in pound coins! 😂 Turns out they appreciated the change. That’s about it for today. I’m tired and would like to go to bed but Amber needs more meds at 12 😞
Send her your best wishes please ladies xx
Best wishes to Amber, I hope she makes a super speedy recovery xx

Thank you. It’s just one thing after another at the moment off the back of a crappy bfn 😞 xx
You definitely don't need the worry of Amber being poorly on top of everything else. It's really positive that you caught it early and are able to treat it before it gets any worse, wrll done for spotting the signs! Hopefully the medication will start to take affect soon and she'll be back to herself in no time (I'm sure lots of cuddles will help too). If you can, try and do something nice for you tomorrow - you deserve it after today. Xx

I’ll try. Thank you xx
Oh hun I am so sorry to read this. .your bunnies are so precious to you and you have had such an awful time ...sending much love ur and ambers way..we all have days where shit happens then ooops more shit a baby pops up ...right here with you hun through it all and our 6th go😯no fore tonight..that's a special treat for weekend 😉😂xxx
I get that. If we’ve been away and there’s a log burner it just eats up the firewood doesn’t it?
Thank you Vic. Like I say, on top of the bfn a few weeks ago I’m just waiting for a break! xx
To top it off ovulation is a no show so far, I’ve never not ovulated by this stage. It’s probably stress related and ivf cycle related I know. Sorry for moaning on your positive post lol xx
I’ve just had a very enjoyable chilled evening. My husband is away working, so I’ve had full control of the tv! I made a lovely healthy meal (if I do say so myself) and I had s sneaky peak at M&S Christmas foods, well more the desserts!! ( I know I’ve said the C word) 😉xx
Today I spent time with my partner we had a dr app which I think was positive and maybe a step forward again. Did food shop had lunch and abit of afternoon nookie before picking kids up from school. 🤗

love that 😂😂😂😍😍😍xx
Oh what a stressful start. So glad it turned out ok xx
Thank you. Xx
Ahh lush positives indeed from u and all. Such a good idea to focus on them at times. Mine from yesterday was that I got quite a bit done at work, had to close some clients and some thanked me and had achieved so much so very pleased for them. Then had friend over to watch the bake off with which was lush. Now having a slow morning as got a later start to work rather than rushing to get up and there by 8 am. Makes all the difference lovely!!
Have a great day! X
When do you start your next transfer vic77 ? Xx
well it's all a bit of a carry clinic won't let me book in till my embryo there..I said given this was not our choice to move clinics as ours has been bought over by them there should be no delays..calling nurse today to hopefully persuade them to book me in for scratch this month as embryo meant to be moving next week so I feel loads of time so then transfer be November xx
That's frustrating. Surely they must know exactly when the transition is happening, it's not fair to keep people hanging, particularly in an emotion situation such as this. Hopefully a chat with the nurse will move things on and, of course, I'll be keeping everything crossed for you xx
Good for you, put your put down! You're paying blooming good money for this, stand strong!!xx
How are you doing Cinderella5 ? Xx

Im ok thanks! Just waiting on ovualtion so I can book my mock transfer so hopefully move onto transfer on the next period so trying my best to be patient! Ha ha ha My cycles were all out the window last month, cycle was 43 days so hopefully its gone back to normal this month! However I have positive news that clinic are letting me do a semi medicated FET which has got to be better than all those drugs so all good really!! How are you doing? That bump must be fairly coming on?xx
All the hanging around and waiting is the worst but hopefully things will get moving soon. How long are your cycles normally?? Ah, I'm pleased you get to do a semi-medicated transfer this time, if you dont need all those drugs then it's a much better option. Overall I'm well thank you. My anxiety levels are a bit up and down but I'm sure it's just a glitch, so I can't complain. Xx

They're normally 29 days but I think it was just messed up after my bfn. Hopefully get back on track now. Yes really pleased, the less drugs the better. Im glad to hear that you're doing ok, it must be so hard to're doing great, hang on in there!xx
Fingers crossed for you xx
scratch now provisionally booked 19th October all being well and that embryo arrives ok...I now feel all emotional today as a result..whilst pleased looks like we are going after all the delays I now feel terrified xxx
Excellent news!👍 That's defo a positive for today! totally get the fear factor....thats my fear too. Shit myself that I'm stuck in limbo then shit myself that I'm not!😂 Also massively terrified that I'm running out of embryos!!😯xxxx
I'm so pleased they were able to book you in for your scratch - I can imagine it gives you something to focus on, however, I get why you would now be feeling terrified. Its hard but try to keep positive and take one day at a time! You can do it! Xx
I love these daily positives, please keep them coming!! I feel like all my husband and I get is bad news after bad news and it never seems to stop. This thread helps put a smile on my face to see that we're all trying to enjoy what we do have. I'm going out for dinner tonight and plan on having a bloody large and expensive glass of wine! Xxx
hey hun..that's why Franco81 and I do this and to be fair she started it..this is such a tough ride wee moments are there to savour no matter how small...not sure we can keep it up on here daily but so lovely to know it's helping so many...I guess if we have modelled a bit it might help folk to refocus when things are really really low..enjoy that wine..I have two tough days at work today and tomorrow but will be joining you tom 🍷🍷🍷xxx