Hi lovelies.
Hope your all ok and those of you that celebrate Christmas hope you, had a lovely time.
Sorry iv not been around I took some time out to try get more healthier (I need to loose 4 stone) to get in healthy bmi. Im feeling great for going gluten free also doing more exercise. Lost half a stone .It's fun. Also my aunties was ill so looked after her for a bit.
Sorry for all the posts iv missed those of you who, have had bfps. Congratulations and hope you have a, happy healthy pregnancy xx
Those of you who have lost babies. I'm truly sorry and sending big hugs I know what your going through be kind to yourselves and do what's right for you.. Xx
Those who are still trying keep fighting their worth it. Big hugs xx
Well for the last week iv had this feeling I'm pregnant after some light pink spotting tingling boobs and, fatigue. I said if period doesn't come I'll test today. Well what a drama that's, been I woke up to our first bit of settled snow. Those of you who know me quite well know i don't do winter. So I waited and caught a taxi to see police all over my area had no idea why and carried on with my journey went to boots for test fish shop and the convenience store to get bits. Anyway got back to the street that comes off mine only to be told we can't go in the police said the whole area is, being evacuated. Shocked is the word "suspicious package" need to go to emergency centre local sports centre. Sat there for 2 hours till all clear. Came home and clear blue says 2-3. I'm feeling excited God knows why after all my losses this year but i feel good I haven't, had a period since miscarriage but did test negative so it's definitely not from that. Maybe this is our time I'm hoping.
Need to thank those of you who have been there for me all the way through and those that kept messaging me to see if I was ok even when I wasn't on here.
Hope you all get the ending you so all deserve.
Lots of love