looking support with what has been a dreadful 2 weeks.
We had donor egg FET transfer early December and I had a scan last week at 7 weeks 3 days and was told I had a blighted ovum, an anembryonic pregnancy, empty Sac, scan was via tummy and vaginal. I was completely devastated, it was a private scan, they said for me to make an apt with local hospital for miscarriage follow up. I contacted my IVF clinic for advice on scan results and my medication, they kindly asked I continue and see what happens in a week at hospital.
So, We had our hospital appointment with EPU this week at 8 weeks 3 days and our scan is completely different, we have a small baby with no fetal heartbeat. How could this have changed in a week?! A miracle, incompetent sonographer or just not meant to be?! Very angry and numb!
As the baby is measuring small it wouldn't have a heart beat just yet and hospital said it’s a pregnancy of unknown viability and booked me for scan next week again. She did explain to me that it’s likely I will have a miscarriage as the Sac is showing signs of collapse and hemantomas. Ive had a little cramping and no bleeding at any point and I feel pregnant, my boobs have been sore some days and not others which is prob a warning my body is starting to let go, it's going to be a long week until my next scan!
This is our 3rd pregnancy and possible 3rd loss.
Has anyone been in a position of unknown viability or similar situation and gone on to have successful pregnancy?