hi guys second post… just thought I would share so it can help someone else out if there in similar position in the future ❤️
Had an early scan at dead on 6 weeks due to previous ectopics and I was having pains they only seen a gestational sac and possible start to a yolk sac I was measuring about 6 days behind.
1 week later I returned dead on 7 weeks and we seen a yolk sac and a baby and a heartbeat (not told what the heck was) measuring smaller but unsure of measurements due to position of my uterus they struggled at both my scans but we’re happy with the growth.
4 days later at 7w 4d I had my viability scan with my Ivf clinic everything was seen and a nice strong heart beat but was told to be cautious due to the baby measuring 9 days behind also there is an abnormality with my yolk sac they said it was compressed and not expanded as expected? I haven’t no idea and with excessively looking on the internet for information I haven’t managed to find anything, I presume it’s not good news due to the baby not measuring correctly either but I’m returning in 5 days for another scan where they said the baby needs to grow by at least a week for it stand any chance, I’m just heartbroken my husband has been amazing and he is just so optimistic I really hope for a happy ending but I’m constant going to the toilet with every niggle I feel incase I’m bleeding 😔😫such a hard expensive process and the thought of doing this all over again is terrifying me ❤️