Hi so I had sex 11/1 (I remember exactly) and my period is 9 days late. I tested three times throughout Sunday and today and they are all positive. This afternoon and once more tonight I have pink when I wipe after peeing. In between had nothing. Thoughts? I’m terrified as have a history of miscarriages. 6 to be exact
Please help with advice re pink blood - Fertility, Miscar...
Please help with advice re pink blood
Hi dear,
If all tests showed positive, probably implantation pinkish discharge. Sorry for all your lost, not this time,we pray Congratulations 🙏🏿💐.
Thank you so much for your help. Now blood is brownish and only when I pee. Sound normal?
My dear sister,Not being an expert, but only from my own experience...remember this sequence of pink discharge that is considered ok for implantation. Some women see brown too but personally my brown discharges were followed but blood. CORCHI we are all unique n response different. I hope n pray that your brown discharge still is due to implantation discharge coming out later and that you have a successful journey. No matter the outcome, keep your focus on what you need, want to achieve...faith n courage dear.