Embryo Transfer today…..Help - Fertility, Miscar...

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Embryo Transfer today…..Help

xIVFWarriorx profile image
8 Replies

So we had egg collection last week (12 eggs collected/10 mature/6 fertilised) and received a call on day 3 to advise that 5 of them were “really good quality and doing well”. We were advised to head into the clinic this morning for transfer and were really happy, only to be taken in by the embryologist and advised that none of them have made it to blastocyst stage 😭. He instead advised that 3 of them aren’t great at all, but that 2 (albeit slow) have potential and that he would prefer to transfer both embryos which are currently at morula stage.

So I’m now home, having had both transferred into my uterus, but I’m feeling pretty deflated if I’m honest. I’m usually a bit of a Debbie downer, but have been unusually optimistic throughout this whole process and I’m now feeling low and sad that today wasn’t the positive day that I’d hoped it would be. My husband is also feeling low as the embryologist told us that up until day 3, egg quality is responsible for how embryos develop and that from day 3 on, sperm quality is usually responsible, so he now feels guilty that we’re in this position because of him.

Has anyone had a positive result with a morula embryo (or 2) being transferred? Any hope you can give me would be gratefully received.

The little white splodge in my scan photo is my embabies ❤️🤞🏼🙏🏼🌈🍍

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8 Replies
Ranchu90 profile image

First of all it's no one's fault that unfortunately you are struggling with infertility, it is just happens to be this way. Remind this to your husband. Even though statistics are saying until day 3 is the egg and after that is the sperm who takes over this is not always 100% the case. I been there and I know, there are lots of other factors that also can be taken into consideration and here I am referring to what protocol you been put on this cycle. I had one protocol that produced 10 mature eggs, 8 fertilised and 1 blast at day 6. When we changed the protocol we produced 7 mature eggs, 6 fertilised and 4 blastocysts. As you can see the difference between the 2, you cannot really say that sperm was the issue. On second protocol my husband was recovering from Covid and the clinic initially told him them they will use his frozen sperm and after that they changed their minds and we used fresh sample. He had few beers while I was on stimulation as he thought that frozen sample will be used, even though he drinks very rearly and the outcome was very good for us. Don't lose your hopes yet, the embryos love to the in the uterus rather then in a dish in the lab. Fingers crossed and take care ❤️🤗

xIVFWarriorx profile image
xIVFWarriorx in reply to Ranchu90

It’s good to know that something as simple as the protocol or drugs can impact embryo development. It seemed like the embryologist was very putting the blame on my husband which is a shame when he said himself he doesn’t know what impacts embryo development for sure. He was quite down a few years ago when we heard he had a low count and a few other issues but we were told that it wasn’t impossible. I guess we’ll just need to wait a few weeks and see what the test results are and take it from there. Thank you for your kind words lovely 😊

Ranchu90 profile image
Ranchu90 in reply to xIVFWarriorx

Oh dear, I can totally relate to what you are saying. We also struggled with male factor- low motility, low morphology (round heads that cannot penetrate the egg), low count (the best was 13mill). My husband was so affected by this problem but I always tried to calm him down and told him that there's no one to blame. I just didn't let him feel guilty. We needed to find solutions not the guilty person. I just don't care if it is me or him. He also did DNA fragmentation test and was normal. My husband was for 3 months on Menopur medication and his count went to 60mill if I remember well. There are solutions. Also after first protocol which I mentioned on my previous reply, I asked embryologists if sperm was poor as we had only one embryo and she said that no one will know for sure if sperm was "to blame". Good embryologists and right protocol this is our key to success. Hope your embryos will stick and you don't have to think about new cycle. Take care ❤️🤗Ps: I should send my husband to offer few words of encouragement to your one 😉😄

xIVFWarriorx profile image
xIVFWarriorx in reply to Ranchu90

It sounds like our husbands are the same although my husbands count is lower than yours. His was 5mil at his first semen analysis, it was up at 7mil on his most recent but still very low. My husband seems a lot better now. He had to go to work straight after our transfer so he had gone to work under the impression that this transfer has literally no hope. Once I explained to him yesterday that there is hope and that from what I’ve read online, lots of people have got pregnant from morula embryos being transferred he was feeling a lot better. Thank you! I would be ecstatic if this worked first time round. I’m just going to try and keep a positive mental attitude and see what my test says on the 23rd. Wishing you all the best 🙂🥰 xx

Njw9 profile image

Awe bless you, I haven’t been in a similar situation no as we’re 3 failed rounds in sadly ☹️ Have you gone private? Only they sound like they give you a lot of information, I feel our clinic are never completely honest with us which I wish they would be!!! I do wish you all the best my love 🥰 xx

xIVFWarriorx profile image
xIVFWarriorx in reply to Njw9

No we aren’t private, we are getting treatment through the NHS. We’re in Scotland so we get up to 3 cycles. My husband and I have agreed we’ll use the 3 cycles were so lucky to receive and if we’ve not conceived then we’ll just accept that being parents isn’t for us and move on with our lives. We’ve spent the past 5yrs putting everything on hold and keeping money in a “baby fund” in the hopes that it happened. We can’t put ourselves through the heartache of having those cycles then spending obscene amounts of money chasing it if it just isn’t for us. I’m just trying to keep positive and tell myself that people have day 3 and day 5 transfers so if my embryos were at the in between stage there’s still a chance. Thank you for your positive wishes, I send the same back to you! Hopefully we’re both lucky soon ☺️ Xx

Sorry you are deflated but don't give up. I have had morulas transferred several times and whilst one ended in a chemical at the time I searched on this site and found LOADS of positive stories of people getting pregnant from morulas.

its interesting what your clinic say about embryos after day 3, mine say the complete opposite. Mine say if your embryos development slow down its typically a sign of egg quality issues. Thats not to say that it is but maybe tell your husband there can be any number of reasons and it doesn't have to be his 'fault'

Good luck x

xIVFWarriorx profile image
xIVFWarriorx in reply to

Thank you lovely. I’m sorry for your chemical, that must have been difficult. I’m feeling a lot better after reading more about it online myself (possibly the same articles you did). I’m just going to try and keep my chin up and just wait to see what my OTD brings, whilst trying not to get too up or down in the meantime.

That’s definitely interesting what your clinic have said. The more I’ve thought about it, the more I’ve decided that I didn’t really like the way the embryologist put that to us the other day. It was almost like he was blaming my husband for it despite saying he can’t be sure what’s caused the embryos to develop slowly. I read a story online that said female embryos can typically be slower growing (causing many more male babies to be born via IVF as they’re faster to develop) and that had our embryo been left to Monday afternoon (day5) it could have turned into a blastocyst. I guess we’ll never know now but I’ll take the positives that were still in it at the moment with my two embabies and have 2 other NHS funded cycles before we give up completely.

Good luck to you too! 🥰 xx

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