This is my first time posting so thank you in advance for taking time to read and hopefully respond. I'm at the tail end of IVF#2 and am going pretty crazy. I transferred a 5 day embryo last Thursday and began to poas on Tuesday, even though I swore I wasn't going to test early. I got positives and was feeling hopeful. Yesterday morning I took a few digital tests and half were positive and half negative. I suspected I'm having a chemical pregnancy bc the lines on the test weren't too much darker and the negative digital scared me that beta wasn't increasing. I had my first hcg test yesterday at 7dp5dt which is 2 days earlier than they usually do it. My hcg was 12 which is extremely low. I am going back tomorrow for the second test but kept testing at home as I would like to be prepared for the worst Saturday. Well last night I took 4 tests (yes I'm crazy mode, I told you!) and 3/4 digital tests were then positive, same ones that were negative in the morning. They also ranged from sensitivity of 25ml-50ml of hcg yet they were positive and my beta was only how does that happen??? I took another round of tests this morning and 2/4 digitals said pregnant. Wtf is happening?? Also my frer test had a darker line than the previous days. Anyone have any predictions as to what's going on?? I would love some theories!
8dp5dt help!: This is my first time... - Fertility, Miscar...
8dp5dt help!
Good luck, I've not started ivf yet but I feel your pain and how confusing for you. Hope you get your BFP x
Could it be that some of the tests were more sensitive than others? Or you testing different times of the a day,- early testing needs to be done with first urine of the day. I haven't been through IVF but I've done plenty of 2ww to know it is difficult and I imagine IVF would be even harder. I would be testing early too- it's awful not knowing! I really hope your HCG levels rise- I have seen women have low levels and they did their babies- please don't give up hope. I've just been through a chemical Pregnancy recently so I understand how scared you must be feeling right now. Truly hope you get good news fingers crossed for you xoxo
Thank you Jess!!!! I am trying desperately to stay positive. I have second beta tomorrow. I think as long as it doubles, I should feel ok right? It's just that even if it doubles, it's soooo low and that's so scary! Are you contemplating ivf?
The problem when we've fought so hard to get a positive test it is hard not to worry.
At the moment we are hoping to try for a few more months before considering IVF- we have to fund ourselves for IVF and it's super expensive @5 grand a cycle!
It took us 5 years and 10 months of TTC to get the reason for our infertility- I have endometriosis. Luckily everything else is ok.
Once that was treated via surgery I conceived the first month! Sadly I lost the baby but we are trying again this month- the miscarriage was early. But we are not being defeated and to get a positive test after 6 years of not is still huge progress! Awaiting to hear from our consultant to see if there is anything else we can do- (one threatened miscarriage and one chemical Pregnancy) he's already given me Prednisone ( raised NK) and progesterone pessaries to take from positive test to 12 weeks. I have to know my next Pregnancy has a better chance. 😘
Some women do start off with low HCG but have their baby's. It must be so difficult for you I really feel for you. Definitely if the HCG are increasing that is a really good sign. You may have implanted later hence lower levels. It's still very early days. Please do let me know how you get on. I have everything crossed for you that your levels increase and you can get on to enjoy being pregnant 😍 xoxo