K went for a scan today as been having pain, they said my ovaries are slightly enlarged and I have 2 big follicles , I suffer with pcos so the dr said that the follicles will dissapear as the pregnancy progresses.
He said that everything was ok and that there's no need to worry . So I feel better now . ( and actually today the pain has got a lot better than the past few days)
So, now is the countdown to my scan on the 27th, when I'll be about 6 weeks and hopefully be able to hear a heartbeat, and also if both my embryos have stuck.
The Hosp said that after my six week scan then they will discharge me and I'll have to register pregnancy with my gp who will then take over my care ,I thought the Hosp would keep more of a check on me as its IVF.
Also, if it is twins, how often do you have scans ??
Thank you xx