Anyone have any advice on how to get to see a specialist sooner than 2.5 months away?
Specialist wait times: Anyone have any... - Living with Fatty...
Specialist wait times
Ask to be put on the wait list if someone cancels. My Dr. who I am in research with told me in June not to call until September to book for December. I said but your always booked out 4 to 6 months, she said no we are only booking 3 months now. Well I should of called Sept. 15 but called Sept. 2 and sure enough she said I'm booking March. I said she wanted to use my same biopsy from June for the New research and that has to be by Dec. 10th. She said wait, I just see there was a cancelation for Nov. 9th you want that, I said yes. It's not that I don't feel well, I just don't want another biopsy for a new research. So get on the wait list, plus take the first available and then you cancel your first available when you get called for the wait list. That helps the next guy get in sooner. Good luck. I've been at this 21 year in stage 4 and still going.
I don't think it's at all uncommon to wait that long for a specialist. I have my first FibroScan and hepatology visit scheduled a week from today, but I was referred in early June. I was warned at the time my PCP referred me that it would probably be months. Alterity's advice is good about the wait list for cancellations!
Unfortunately no, getting on the cancellation list is good advice. Meanwhile, start exercising and watch your diet. I did that and by the time of my appointment, my numbers had already started to change and my fatty liver had reduced, a lot! I know you are scared, believe me I understand. I was so stressed out I put myself in the hospital! Ended up having a bunch of heart test only to find out they were normal. Try to relax, it just makes matters worse for you and your head....but, if you exercise and eat a moderate diet cutting out bad fats, added sugars and no fake sugars but plant based sweetners, you will feel like you are doing something that can reverse stages if you do happen to have liver problems. Good luck.