Fatty liver help : I don’t know what ... - Living with Fatty...

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Fatty liver help : I don’t know what to ask GP

Milycat21 profile image
9 Replies

Hi lovely people . So it seems like I’ve just been diagnosed with fatty liver from a recent scan. Bloods apparently normal and better than they were two years ago ( docs haven’t explained this only that it was indicative of a stressed liver) ; my liver scan was clear two years ago. Gall bladder removed two years ago ; I have been a bottle of wine a night person ; but have reduced a lot this year. I have what I consider a lot of discomfort in my right side ( not pain ) just feels swollen under ribs and toward side . I find it uncomfortable driving : siting - hence the scan .

Been for a review with GP today who says , nothing to worry about , changes yes , fatty , but implement life style change . He can’t explain my discomfort and suggests it’s one of those things . Doesn’t want to see me again ; unless I have other symptoms.

My question ; is this type of care correct , should I be asking questions , and if so what ?

I’m feeling a bit fobbed off , and not sure if I should be relieved that he doesn’t want to see me , or if I should be actively pursuing other tests - it’s that I don’t know 🤷‍♀️.

Any advice to this newbie I would be grateful in receiving 😊

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Milycat21 profile image
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9 Replies
nash2 profile image

Hello Mily

That is a very common story. Right upper quadrant pain (RUQ) is among the most common symptoms of a liver that is in distress. The liver itself has no pain nerves but the capsule that covers it does. It is called Glisson's Capsule. It is the official policy of medicine to not screen for liver disease absent symptoms and docs routinely dismiss fatty liver as no problem. I got that treatment and went from a stage 2 to a stage 4 over 5 years. If it were me I'd try to see a hepatologist and get a real liver evaluation. You might go here and try the FIB-4 test. It can give you a probability that you need further testing but is not diagnositic.


nash2 profile image

One other thing, I assume you had an ultrasound. They don't tell you that an US can't detect fatty liver below about 30% fat. Anything over 5% is consider to be NAFLD so people learn they have far more fat in their liver than they thought when fully tested.

Milycat21 profile image
Milycat21 in reply to nash2

Very helpful Nash 2- I’ll look all of this information up. Thanks very much 😊

nettl1 profile image

I agree with nash2. You need a specialist. I knew there was something wrong with me. I asked my GP to do bloodwork and he ignored me for two years. I had Hep C. If he would of listened to me I probably wouldn’t have liver cirrhosis. Diet, low sodium and less alcohol is best.

Milycat21 profile image
Milycat21 in reply to nettl1

Thank you I will push treatment with my GP : appreciate the replies 👍

utep99 profile image

I would recommend you have your Liver enzymes tested. Switch to a Mediterranean diet and drop the wine 100 percent. Cut all fast food out! This will allow the fatty Liver to reduce and therefore remove any cirrhosis issues in the future.

Milycat21 profile image
Milycat21 in reply to utep99

Appreciate your response ; seems a sensible plan 👍

Livermakesstones profile image

Ever since modern medicine advanced, the gall bladder has been blamed for making stones. And as a result way to many people have opted to have their gall bladder removed because doctors are taught that the bottom line is more important then helping your patient heal. And the last thing doctors want is for people to over comer their eating disorders that ultimately cause stones. Ever notice how on holidays is when most people get sick?

Pancreatitis is stones that come from the liver & pass through the billilary ducts, that when the stones are bigger then the ducts, they get caught & have trouble passing through the pancreas and spleen. All pancreatitis is stones passing through the pancreas that causes an infection. But when you blame the gall bladder & have it removed & find that your still having chronic pancreatitis, the only organ to blame for the stones is the liver.

When a doctor says, don't come back, it means they do not want to deal with the fact that they know your gall bladder was removed for nothing & do not want you to know that the liver is having signs of trouble over eating habits where fats & fruitose are key to the liver becoming damaged that results in fatty liver & can lead to Cirrhosis of the liver that can lead to cancer.

You see, it's the bottom line & how much the medical industry makes, not a patients health and to help them get better. By not telling you the truth, you then get sicker & then feed into their pockets. If they told you the truth & you changed your diet & got better, doctors would make so much money, right?

When a doctor says, "Don't bother me"I look for a doctor that wants to help me. Go find another doctor & when you do, ask him, "How do you avoid the liver from making stones" that when eliminated from the liver & can get caught in the pancreas? Way to many times people are told they have pancreatic cancer, when in fact they have a stone that is caught, that needs to be eliminated. And insted wind up going for Chemo & then wind up dead.

What you need to do is liver cleanses & keep the liver as clean as you can from getting toxic by the ingrediants they add to our foods.

Milycat21 profile image
Milycat21 in reply to Livermakesstones

This is what I’m beginning to suspect , I’m quite new to the research , so really appreciate all the advise . I’ve always been suspicious of removing an organ . ( I never truly felt I was given an alternative) Thanks for the heads up ! X

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