Monthly group fast: who's in? - Fasting and Furious

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Monthly group fast: who's in?

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger16Kg IF 72hrs
61 Replies

It's the anniversary this weekend of my first multiday fast and my last dinner party! What a strange 12 months it's been.

So, to celebrate, I am going to fast again. Who wants to join me?

Share any plans you have for fasting end of February or beginning of March.

More details:

We try to hold a group fast on or around the first Sunday of the month. I'm going a week early, because of the anniversary.

The monthly fast is simple. Anyone doing an extended fast share it here for support and fellow fasters. We will cheer you on, and tell you to stop if we are worried it's not healthy. (But don't rely on us for health advice, of course!)

We must all decide for ourselves if fasting is safe and healthy for us, but once you have established that, please use this discussion to achieve your goal. If you aren't sure what is safe and healthy for you, ask some questions and we can help you decide, or direct you to your GP.

The purpose of the group fast is for us to give each other support and encouragement.

Post your fasting plan here, then while you are fasting, updates on how you are feeling. Ask for help or advice or share hints on what helps you. Let us know how you did at the end, and maybe share a picture of your fast-breaking meal.

I often start my fasts after my last meal on a Sunday. Others prefer to fast over the weekends starting Friday. It's all good. Use this thread to support any elongated (for you!) fast you are doing.

Don't hesitate to start your own discussion/thread if that helps your goals. We are all supporting each other, and so should do whatever we need to be successful.

Remember, while it seems likely that fasting strengthens the immune system in the long term, stress can lower your immunity in the short term. You may be more vulnerable to infections during and immediately after fasting. Consider your personal risk of exposure to coronavirus when planning a fast.

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Subtle_badger profile image
16Kg IF 72hrs
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61 Replies
Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger16Kg IF 72hrs

I'm going to aim for a 60ish hour fast this time. I am working 12 hours on Sunday, which will be on my feet the whole time. If I manage to get through without needing to eat and am not hungry when I get home, then I will retrospectively have been fasting since Saturday evening. More likely I will have a late supper Sunday, and fast Monday and Tuesday.

Shield-Maiden profile image
Shield-Maiden16IF 29hrs in reply to Subtle_badger

Good luck with your anniversary extended fast SB...please keep us all posted on how it's going for you 🤗

S11m profile image
S11mVolunteer 70lb IF20

Hi, Subtle_badger - good luck with your fast - keep us posted!If I was going to fast this weekend, I would have started yesterday!

I am planning to fast from about 11.00 on Friday 5th to 15:00 on Tuesday 9th.

I now find that one hundred hour fasts are no problem... but I have been working up to it for about three years! Last month, I was tempted to extend it to 120 hours or five days!

If you have been eating six times a day, then I suggest you start by not eating in the evenings and gradually work towards Intermittent Fasting 16:8 or 20:4 before trying a longer fast.

Having said that, Dr Jason Fung puts some of his diabetes patients on an initial 14 -day medically supervised fast, and I think there are no records of anyone fasting longer than 382 days!

As they say: "Don't try this at home":

Shield-Maiden profile image
Shield-Maiden16IF 29hrs in reply to S11m

Do you ever feel a little weak for fasting so long S11m ?

I read an article recently, a news feed I think, where they suggest not fasting for longer than 72 hours, in one go.

I know that you like to walk a lot.

Do take care 🤗

S11m profile image
S11mVolunteer 70lb IF20 in reply to Shield-Maiden

I used to feel a bit "lacking in energy" when walking 5km briskly days into a long fast - but, last time, I felt fine 98 hours into my fast!"Articles" are often written by journalists who have more pre-conception and prejudice than knowledge or even personal experience.

The ideal length of fast depends on the individual - and what the individual hopes to gain from the fast.

How soon insulin levels, blood glucose, diabetes and weight goes down depends on the individual.

Shield-Maiden profile image
Shield-Maiden16IF 29hrs in reply to S11m

I totally agree with you S11m.

Clearly it helps you to feel well and invigorated; it sounds as though you truly enjoy the longer fasts. I take my hat off to you, I know that I could not manage that length of time.

Myself, I am trying to build up my fasting time each day; and plain old daily IF works well for me right now. In summer I might add in a few short fasts; I'm not in your league.

Good luck with your extended fast S11m x

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger16Kg IF 72hrs in reply to Shield-Maiden

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger16Kg IF 72hrs in reply to S11m

I did realise I came in a bit late for the Friday Fasters, but as the official fast should be next weekend, I thought I would go ahead anyway.

Pink4eva profile image
Pink4evaADF 72hrs

Hi Subtle_badger , I haven't done an extended fast since before Xmas and would really like to get into the habit of doing an extended fast every month. I am at work til midday and off tomorrow so will aim to start my fast after my last hot drink at work, so from around 0900hrs. I would like to extend for 72hrs if I can, having support would be great. : )

Shield-Maiden profile image
Shield-Maiden16IF 29hrs in reply to Pink4eva

Good luck Pink x

Pink4eva profile image
Pink4evaADF 72hrs in reply to Shield-Maiden

Hi Shield-Maiden , thank you I will need it : )

Shield-Maiden profile image
Shield-Maiden16IF 29hrs in reply to Pink4eva

You'll do great 🤗

Pink4eva profile image
Pink4evaADF 72hrs

Hi Subtle_badger , how is the fast going? I certainly don’t envy you doing a 12 hr shift. I only do 6hr shifts now, that’s enough for me. I started my fast from 1330hrs. Feeling good at the moment, although I am taking my mother shopping now, which isn’t the best thing to do during a fast I know. She hasn’t been shopping in nearly a year, she is fully vaccinated and raring to go. We had arranged this date ahead, before I thought about fasting. I will check in later 😊

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger16Kg IF 72hrs in reply to Pink4eva

Fully vaccinated? Yay! She's one of a rare breed. I've met one, and I have met thousands of people getting vaccinated.

Did you survive the trip? Lucky the cafes aren't open. Coffee and cake with mum would be hard to avoid.

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger16Kg IF 72hrs

Nothing to report yet. Ate very little yesterday, but I did eat, so came home and reheated the cauliflower cheese and cooked a lamb steak with rosemary and garlic 😋. I guess I started fasting about 9.30 last night, but I didn't check the time. So it's just a normal day for me so far, lots of black coffee. I almost never eat in the morning and often do OMAD. The real fast starts when I go to bed without eating.

Oh, tummy is rumbling! This would normally be a day I would have lunch I think. Let's see how it goes.

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger16Kg IF 72hrs in reply to Subtle_badger

Hm, I keep opening the fridge. So far closed it again each time. Let's see how it goes. 23 hours in.

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger16Kg IF 72hrs in reply to Subtle_badger

Cramp overnight. Couldn't get warm, and didn't drink anything in the evening.

S11m profile image
S11mVolunteer 70lb IF20 in reply to Subtle_badger

Do you take Magnesium?

Coffee can warm you up and give you energy... Sometimes I go zero carbs rather than zero calories - and have cream in coffee during a fast.

Many people are deficient in Magnesium - and cramp is an indication.

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger16Kg IF 72hrs in reply to S11m

I had bad problems with cramp about a year ago. I am supplementing.

Part of the problem is I was cold last night. I stayed up late after the heater was off, but put on my electric blanket. It didn't come on, and woke up feeling the cold with my calf screaming.

Bedding sorted. Problem won't repeat tonight.

Americano with cream for mid afternoon "snack" 😂

S11m profile image
S11mVolunteer 70lb IF20 in reply to Subtle_badger

I usually empty the fridge at the start of a fast - but I live alone.

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger16Kg IF 72hrs in reply to S11m

I don't, but I am planning to eat tomorrow.

Or Thursday anyway.

Pink4eva profile image
Pink4evaADF 72hrs in reply to Subtle_badger

Hi I broke fast after about 28 hrs with some nuts. I started to feel sick, I had been drinking Bouillon throughout the day and water with sea salt and ACV. Glad to hear your fast is going well, keep up the good work. 😊

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger16Kg IF 72hrs in reply to Pink4eva

28 is great. You will have got benefits. How are you feeling now?

Pink4eva profile image
Pink4evaADF 72hrs in reply to Subtle_badger

Feeling ok thanks. I think alternate day fasting would be good for me. So eating to max calories (LCHF) one day and fasting the next. Have you tried that?

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger16Kg IF 72hrs in reply to Pink4eva

I did it 9 months ago for a few weeks (oh! still got the badge 😳). Lost 6cm around my waist.

Pink4eva profile image
Pink4evaADF 72hrs in reply to Subtle_badger

Subtle_badger , thanks, I thought I remembered you doing it. I have a lot of belly fat. I am 58 this year so really need to get it off, and keep it off. I have really been struggling to stick to anything. Will give this a go.😊

S11m profile image
S11mVolunteer 70lb IF20 in reply to Pink4eva

I am 72 this year - so I think that losing weight and fasting helps my life expectancy - but my twin brother has a BMI of 47, and does not want to realise that IF and LCHF would also help his cancer.

Shield-Maiden profile image
Shield-Maiden16IF 29hrs in reply to Pink4eva

I'd love to know how you find it...please do keep us all posted :)

Belly fat is usually the last thing to go....I'm still working on mine too. I'm also in my 50's.

Good luck with the ADF've got this x

S11m profile image
S11mVolunteer 70lb IF20 in reply to Pink4eva

As I normally fast 20:4, if I ADF or do not eat for a day, that is 20 + 24 = a 44-hour fast. If you normally fast 12:12, you get a 36-hour fast.

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger16Kg IF 72hrs in reply to S11m

I changed my eating pattern when I went ADF, so I ate 3 meals on my eating day. I was concerned I needed more meals to get 2 days worth of protein absorbed.

So 36:12 for me.

Cosmo501 profile image
Cosmo501 in reply to Pink4eva

Well done on your fast!— interesting about the nuts. I also felt really sick when I once broke an extended fast with a few nuts. Hope you felt better better quickly x

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger16Kg IF 72hrs in reply to Cosmo501

Oh, I missed that about the nuts, Pink4eva

Nuts top diet doctor's list of things to not break your fast with.

Shield-Maiden profile image
Shield-Maiden16IF 29hrs in reply to Pink4eva

I just wanted to say "great job Pink"...28 hours is a good achievement.

Do you feel much better for having done it?

I bet you do.

I might join in on a fast in April or May, but it will be like my first time again, as it's been so long 🤫 🤗

Cosmo501 profile image

How are you doing SB after your fast?— great way to celebrate your extended fasting anniversary! Xx

Cosmo501 profile image
Cosmo501 in reply to Cosmo501

Oh just noticed you’re still fasting— hope it’s going well and that you’re feeling good with it xx

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger16Kg IF 72hrs in reply to Cosmo501

Thanks Cosmo. Yup very hungry last night, but I fended it off with miso soup. More carbs than ideal, but it worked. And the salt and fluids probably prevented cramps last night. Feeling completely fine now, so not sure when I will break it yet.

Shield-Maiden profile image
Shield-Maiden16IF 29hrs in reply to Subtle_badger

You're doing amazingly Subtle_badger x

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger16Kg IF 72hrs in reply to Shield-Maiden

Thanks. 61 hours and counting. About to go on a cycle ride with a neighbour. Will bring snacks, but it will be slow paced so don't expect to need them.

Cosmo501 profile image
Cosmo501 in reply to Subtle_badger

Doing so well! Glad to hear you're feeling good. Go gently though on your bike SB! I can't imagine cycling on a 61 hour fast... but then I can't imagine a 61 hours fast yet either! Hope you have a fab day, and that you feel great with the fast xx

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger16Kg IF 72hrs in reply to Cosmo501

Thanks. It was a very gentle cycle, interrupted with walking through the garden of a national trust property.

I've only had two black coffees today, and feeling fine. 65 hours in. I would love to do another night, but I have to leave home at 7am in the morning, and I am going to be on my feet all day. I can't risk breaking my fast tomorrow, in case my tummy goes on the fritz again, and I don't want to risk fasting through my shift: the patients are the only ones who should pass out at a vaccination site. 😁

Maybe stop at 70 hours 🤔

Shield-Maiden profile image
Shield-Maiden16IF 29hrs

I think you ought to change your forum name.... should read Wonder Woman!!

Well done doesn't seem to cut it! It's an amazing achievement SB 🎈🎉🏆

I hope your tummy stays strong; it's hard enough working shifts, without having a funny tummy (I have worked shifts all of my life, nights were the worst for me, as I have Insomnia...but less about me) ....Awesome job!

Take care 🌞

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger16Kg IF 72hrs

72 hours 🎺🎉🥂💃

Activity2004 or Hidden can I update my badge? "16kg IF 72hrs"


in reply to Subtle_badger

Hi Subtle_badger I’ve amended your badge, so very well done and thanks for asking. 👍😊

Cosmo501 profile image
Cosmo501 in reply to Subtle_badger

Woohoo!! Well done! I hope you're feeling good and proud of your new achievement! Did you manage work ok? xx

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger16Kg IF 72hrs in reply to Cosmo501

So far so good

Shield-Maiden profile image
Shield-Maiden16IF 29hrs in reply to Subtle_badger

Absolutely amazing 🎈🎖🏆

How are you feeling now after such a long fast?

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger16Kg IF 72hrs in reply to Shield-Maiden

Really fine. I broke my fast with an avocado and seafood salad followed by low carb toad-in-the-hole with asparagus as a late supper. Out at 7, 5 mile cycle, 6 hours on my feet on 3 instant coffees, 60g of brie, cycle home and the same supper, left overs this time.

Really felt fine!

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger16Kg IF 72hrs in reply to Subtle_badger

PS. NSV: I can cycle in size 8 jeans 😲

Shield-Maiden profile image
Shield-Maiden16IF 29hrs in reply to Subtle_badger

Cycling in jeans...not easy :)

Cycling in size 8 jeans...even more impressive

Cycling when in a hugely long fast....even more impressive! 🤗

Wow....I don't know which is the most difficult...but put together, hugely impressive SB!

Have a lovely weekend x

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger16Kg IF 72hrs in reply to Shield-Maiden


I cycled on Wednesday fasted. Yesterday's cycle was about 8 hours after dinner. As I said, late supper....

S11m profile image
S11mVolunteer 70lb IF20

I am starting my fast today.

Breakfast scheduled for Tuesday (100 hours).

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger16Kg IF 72hrs in reply to S11m


Have a good weekend. Keep us posted, or start a fresh discussion if you prefer.

Shield-Maiden profile image
Shield-Maiden16IF 29hrs in reply to S11m

How is the fast going S11m?

S11m profile image
S11mVolunteer 70lb IF20 in reply to Shield-Maiden

I normally fast 20:4, and I started my fast yesterday after lunch - so I have now fasted about an hour more than I do every day... just a matter of getting off autopilot and not having breakfast!

The wonderful theory is that I will have time to get things done!

Shield-Maiden profile image
Shield-Maiden16IF 29hrs in reply to S11m

That's a very positive plan, well done.

S11m, I hope you don't mind me long have you been 20:4 ?

I have managed to do a handful of 20:4 but am having trouble sticking to it for over a you have any handy tips that you don't mind sharing please?

Obviously eating low carb, and, fasting clean helps. I find that if I have white coffee (which really, I prefer) I feel hungry; black coffee helps.

I tend to be 16:8, if I'm honest.

I think that clearly, I need to do some willpower weight training! lol

Any tips would be really helpful, thank you.

S11m profile image
S11mVolunteer 70lb IF20 in reply to Shield-Maiden

I started fasting about three years ago - and it might have taken six months for me to get to 20:4.

Coffee with cream is better, as it had less sugar.

Have you seen the FAQ?:

Please get back to me if you have any specific questions.

Shield-Maiden profile image
Shield-Maiden16IF 29hrs in reply to S11m

Thank you S11m; I will read it again, and I will ask away, thank you :)

Six months to achieve that is really good going, well done. I have been Fasting since last July, but I have naughty moments; I find it easier in warmer weather for some reason. 16:8 is easy to do, I think I will knuckle down and do it soon, hopefully.

I hope your extended fast is still going great.

Chat again soon :)

S11m profile image
S11mVolunteer 70lb IF20

70 hours in - breaking my fast tomorrow afternoon (100 hours).

Fasting increases your metabolic rate - and last night I had palpitations and felt too hot - even though the temperature in my bedroom was only 14.5 C.

I had a brisk 5km walk yesterday (in 4C) - but did find that I was slowing down a bit towards the end.

In my current scheme, I fast four nights and most of five days, so I get five 5km or more walks in the fast.

I seem to take 48 hours to get into the fast - but is 100 hours ideal?

I am thinking I might go to 120 hours, from early lunch to late lunch.

S11m profile image
S11mVolunteer 70lb IF20

100-hour fast completed.I felt better the last two days, and I was able to walk 5km relatively briskly.

If the first three days are the worst, why stop there?

I broke my fast yesterday evening with a 600ml tub of bio yoghurt, followed an hour later with broccoli and cheese.

It is best to break a fast with low-carb food, as carbs make you want more carbs... and the bio in the yoghurt helps your gut microbiome.

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger16Kg IF 72hrs in reply to S11m

Well done, you are a superstar! How are you feeling now?

S11m profile image
S11mVolunteer 70lb IF20 in reply to Subtle_badger

I am feeling great, and I expect to feel more benefit over the next week or two.

As I am down to my target weight, I ate a bit more before the fast - and got 6lb over my target weight - I then lost 9lb (obviously mostly gut-fill and fluid) two or three days - and, 48 hours after ending my fast, I am back at my target weight (which gives me a BMI of 25).

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