Introducing myself (sorry, I think I rambl... - Facial Palsy UK

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Introducing myself (sorry, I think I rambled hehe ☺️)

physicaldelete profile image
3 Replies

Hello, figured I’d do a welcome post. I don’t really remember life without having a wonky face. I got Bell’s palsy at 11 (I’m 28 now) and have really bad synkinesis as a result. I remember getting an ice cream from the van, went inside to eat it and it all just fell out of my mouth, instant complete palsy. When I smile or talk my right eye closes, when I drink I can dribble, brushing my teeth is a nightmare haha! Honestly, I’ve just learned not to give a hoot what people think, not even my nephews have asked about it, it’s just a quirk I have according to them.

I asked my doctor a few years ago if anything could be done to help correct the massive difference, big fat nope from them (not looking forward to getting older, as the right side of my forehead is smooth but the left is already creasing 😕)

My hearing on the right is a little iffy at times, and my right eye is just a mess, still stays open a little over night. But being the good British lass I am I just power on through.

Hope you are all well, and have great recoveries, if the symptoms are still there in 6 months, put your foot down with a firm hand and demand help, my parents didn’t for me. It’s one of the few times you get be demanding.

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physicaldelete profile image
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3 Replies

Hi there.

Well done for contacting this sight.

I am much older than you and have only had Bell’s Palsy for 2 and 1/2 years.

I am lucky to receive treatment from a great facial palsy clinic. I researched it myself and asked my G.P. to refer me . I get facial physio and Botox treatment.

I hope you can find similar help. I can’t believe it is too late as you are still so young.

Good luck.

Launder01 profile image

Hi sweet. I would definitely try again now. There might be something they can do? I’ve had a brain tumour removal and hoping now for correction surgery.

You are young and should try again.

Lucy_84 profile image


I have had my Bell's Palsy for 6 years now and although it doesn't sound as bad as yours I cannot smile properly without looking wonky and one of my eyes blinks slightly slower than the other.

I tried physio when it first happened but that didn't help and they referred me to a plastic surgeon who told me about corrective surgery but I wasn't willing to take the risk as I felt I could live with it and didn't want to put myself at risk from a very intrusive operation.

I had very little support from doctors when it happened and it happened a week after having my second child so it was a lot to deal with and I maybe could have done more.

I also don't know what will happen as I get older (i'm 35) but at the moment I have learnt to live with it. I just really struggle when having my photograph taken and do get very self conscious.

Not posted on here for years but just thought I would so that you would know that you weren't alone dealing with it :)


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