Diagnosed this morning ...: So I woke up... - Facial Palsy UK

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Diagnosed this morning ...

Isimccann profile image
16 Replies

So I woke up this morning with this wonderful viral infection. I'm not sure how bad it is although I think it's pretty bad, numb right hand side of my face, can't smile properly, talking strangely and working out how to cope with one functioning eye and one which doesn't seem to blink. That's the scary part and of course the fact that it sounds like it's going to be a few weeks to recover... I'm trying not to stress or worry but it's hard.

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Isimccann profile image
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16 Replies
Jan10455 profile image

Sounds like Bells Palsey, still go and get checked out though. I had this a couple of years ago. Very scary. Hope you feel better soon.

Isimccann profile image
Isimccann in reply to Jan10455

Thank you Jan, I'm hoping to take it easy and with the help of steroids to get better quickly!! I know I'm not going to be able to rush it but my fingers and toes are crossed for a few weeks minimum!!


Maxk2356 profile image
Maxk2356 in reply to Isimccann

Dear Isimcann,I have had similar experience to you which started earlier this week. The comments on here have been reassuring as it was very scary to start with! I've managed to get started straight on steroids so fingers crossed. Main advice seems - be patient! Hope things are improving for you.

Isimccann profile image
Isimccann in reply to Maxk2356

I'm really seeing the difference now! It us a slow process but yes you do have to be patience and just remember it will recover and you will get better!! Keep positive. :0)

movieman1960 profile image

Hi Isimccann , Your symptoms sound very much like Bell's Palsy. If so, you urgently need to get down to A & E or your local Doctor's surgery as you need to be put on steroids ASAP and in any event within 72 hours of onset of symptoms otherwise the efficacy of the treatment to reduce inflammation of 7th cranial nerve is lost.

if you can't blink on the affected side than you will need eye drops to help with dry eye syndrome. You will also probably not be able to raise your eyebrow on the affected side which is something you could do if it was a stroke, which it appears this is not.

I had the same symptoms as you last October and the quick intervention of steroid treatment from A & E meant that I saw improvement by day 18 and have no residual issues today.

Other than steroids the doctor has no other treatment plan that has proven evidence. Don't force any facial exercises at this stage as they could compromise your recovery.

Reduce any stress and be patient. It will improve.

Good luck

Isimccann profile image
Isimccann in reply to movieman1960

I've only just seen this message movieman1960, thank you soooooo much for replying! Ok so 18 days, I can do that I'm sure. I went straight away Monday to the docs and so think I went at the right time, when I booked the app I think I could speak fairly ok but by the time I got to the docs 1.5 hours later I couldn't speak properly and my face had completely dropped.

I've been on 5mg of prednislone 6 times a day since Monday so hopefully I've already started doing the right thing!

I'm taking care of my eye that doesn't close and trying to take it easy, I know I have too so will try harder!!

Really appreciate you replying and telling me your fine now and the time it took you to get better. I'm 42 and a bit of a princess if I'm honest, well not a princess but I like to look good and wear makeup! I can cope with knowing I am makeup free for a few weeks as long as I know I'm going to get better!! You gave given me huge hope. Thank you so much

Isabelle. 😊

movieman1960 profile image
movieman1960 in reply to Isimccann

30 mg OK. I was on 60 mg for 5 days then reduced by 10 mg daily and took a mega vitamin B-complex independently. Oddly, my dry eye as a consequence of not blinking due to Bell's Palsy, started 2 days before the left side facial paralysis set in, thought it might be an eye infection.

It will be perfectly normal for you to be impatient and expect quick results. And most people will expect as a consequence of taking the steroids, an overnight improvement,don't, the steroids are slow at working on the inflammation of the 7th cranial nerve but it does work, just slowly. The main thing is not to be too harsh on yourself.

18 days was my recovery, others 4 weeks, others 14 days with some 3 months. Taking stress out of your life and allowing yourself to rest is key.

This is an opportunistic condition that is distressing when you first get it as most of us have never experienced anything like this before. Don't force it. Whilst your 7th cranial nerve is repairing it self (which is a slow process), you don't want to do anything that will compromise that recovery like facial exercises that encourage the nerve to re-path. Do remember to regularly administer eye drops to lubricate the cornea . You may need eye ointment too over night like VitA-POS that you can only get on prescription. You will be a princess once more!

Isimccann profile image
Isimccann in reply to movieman1960

Honestly I cannot tell you how your replies have helped me. Thank you so much! I will take a vitamin b also and I am blocking out the next two weeks to just be mum and just be at home rather than my normal running all over the show.

I'm guessing my elderly parents and the diagnosed dementia/Alzheimer's hasn't helped so I'm having to shelf that for now.

I will always from now on be thankful for every beautiful day, thing and anything as something like this really Shakes your world.

Again you have been so helpful thank you. Isabelle.

movieman1960 profile image
movieman1960 in reply to Isimccann

I wouldn't be too concerned about having to see a neurologist, as he will find no other hidden cause but the simple diagnosis of an inflamed 7th cranial nerve that has a simple treatment Prednisolone that you have already been prescribed.

Interestingly my symptoms started after the stress of months of dealing with an elderly parent who was in and out of hospital, getting a care plan organised at the same time as job change and house move.

Although there is no distinct cause for this affliction, the school of thought is that this is probably a compromised immune system not helped by stress etc. I was probably run down too much and being used to going like a cart horse, not aware I was over doing it.

Interestingly Bell's Palsy tends to hit those between 16-60 would you believe it?

My dry eye wasn't helped by all the hours of research on the laptop I did looking for answers which consequently didn't help my dry/sore eye one bit!

Don't know if this helps but no imperial evidence can be found anywhere on the efficacy of acupuncture on Bell's Palsy symptoms.

But, like all placebo's if psychologically it makes people feel that they are doing something proactively, rather than just letting the steroids do their thing than that is up to the individual, but because we are programmed to interact with our maladies we feel we must do something else as well, at the same time, otherwise we feel that we may be letting ourselves down, even if that something may not do anything... Obviously just my humble opinion and I am not a medical professional but have researched this subject extensively and read many medical journal and papers to boot.

In any event, wishing you a speedy recovery

Isimccann profile image
Isimccann in reply to movieman1960

Thank you. Didn't have a good day/Eve yesterday but I'm on it like a car bonnet now to chill and recover and let the steroids do their job!! 😏 If you can see this emoji it is just how I look!!! Hehehe

jimmy76 profile image

Hi isim , I have the same syndrome like you do last year and had a Chinese acupuncture, by my third or four acupuncture I already can feel the different, but you will have to take action ASAP because the longer you wait it will become harder to heal 100%.

Isimccann profile image
Isimccann in reply to jimmy76

Hi Jimmy76, thank you for your reply. So today is day 3 and I'm hoping it doesn't get worse now. I'm on steroids and I'm hoping to see a neurologist just for piec of mind but when did you start acupuncture? And who recommended you start?

Mine has taken over nearly 3/4 of my face 😩 It's my eye that's sore as well. I'm getting visco tears as well as all the optrex stuff I have here in front of me.

Please tell me, how long did yours last for? Any tips I can do apart from trying to relax as much as possible?

😏 I'm sure this is how I look!!!

SophieJem2406 profile image

Hi Isabelle,

Sorry to hear you have had Bells Palsy, i hope you have a speedy recovery! Like the other comments, you should start to look and feel better very soon as you are taking action with it immediately with steroids. However, what I am about to say is no intention to knock you down or lose motivation but unfortunately not all Bells Palsy victims recover fully - I had it 10 years ago and still trying different ways to gain back symmetry in my face. I have only recently been referred to a specialist and about to begin botox treatment. I just happen to be one of the unlucky ones who hasn't recovered. I was only 14 when this happened so I didn't have the resources or knowledge to know what to do. I just want to make you aware that not always do the steroids work, but the key thing is to keep positive and motivated which is what you are doing and i wish i could have been more like that 10 years ago!

Best of luck and let me know if you have any questions on my BP.


movieman1960 profile image
movieman1960 in reply to SophieJem2406

Hi Sophie,

very unfortunate that your Bell's Palsy diagnosis of 10 years ago has left you with ongoing residual issues. Unfortunately, for some like Isabelle, who was only diagnosed just 3 days ago and underwent prompt steroid treatment, it is difficult to draw any meaningful connection to your protracted outcome with BP as opposed to the general populace, without knowing if your treatment plan at the time, may have been compromised by " I didn't have the resources or knowledge to know what to do" when you first had BP and how soon after your BP diagnosis, any treatment or delay of any treatment occurred?

On reflection, It might be more helpful in the circumstances, if your message "not always do the steroids work" was relayed to those who are diagnosed and are promptly put on prednisilone within 72 hours and don't make a full recovery within 12 months as more of an appropriate recipient of your message? I only share this with you, as at this stage, as it is a little premature to convey such a message to a newly diagnosed individual and may cause some unnecessary concern when such a concern, however well meaning is misplaced.

Obviously that takes nothing away from the frustration that you and indeed anyone would naturally feel, having to endure for so so long the ongoing unresolved issues of BP that didn't result in a full recovery .

I was under the grip of BP myself for 18 days last October Sophie, so I can not even begin to fully appreciate the journey you have had to go through and continue to do so.

I truly hope that your Botox treatment gives you the best of results and gets you closer to where you want to be.

SophieJem2406 profile image
SophieJem2406 in reply to movieman1960


Thanks for your response. I agree that my message to Isabelle could have been worded differently. I should have added that I did see a GP on that day I was diagnosed and they put me on steroids immediately, which unfortunately had no affect... That's what I meant. In regards to the resources part, I was 14 at the time and couldn't take myself to see doctors or drive myself to treatments and being very young I had no idea what was going on. Now I am much more aware of the virus, I am inspired at how motivated and positive Isabelle is and this will help contribute to her speedy recovery. Hopefully this has clarified what I meant in my first comment and I guess this site is to discuss everyone's journeys whether successfully recovered or not. Thanks for your wishes.

Isimccann profile image
Isimccann in reply to SophieJem2406

Sorry I started to reply before but the last few days have been full on, emotional and hectic.

I do hope you get sorted very quickly too, especially after 10 years!!!

I went to see a neurologist on Friday evening who was amazing. I was extremely anxious even with knowing more about the virus.

The neurologist informed me that yes I will get back to normal, it isn't going to be a quick fix as id been informed by many people but I will recover fully with positive energy, steroids and if necessary, in extremely cases a little help from another specialist plastic surgeon ...

He has upped the dosage of steroids and informed me that even when they are finished I will still be the same but the nerve will recover eventually.

I needed to hear it from not only people who have experienced this dreadful virus but also someone who specialises in this area. I'm having a MRI and bloods also just to confirm.

I don't feel as tired as I did although the excess dosage doesn't help at first but the Dr said that will subside and I just need to recover from the facial effects.

I'm now just trying to get used to looking this and dealing with my eye that's constantly dry which doesn't make me feel comfortable driving around with my kids. I know once I'm comfortable with my eye I will drive but not until then.

I am missing my contact lenses and make up but I know it's only weeks possibly months away until I can start to wear them again and so for now my spirits are higher than even I expected!!

Thank you for contacting me all of you.

Isabelle 😏

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