My now 4 year old daughter has had constipation issues since a baby, and after months of witholding and struggling in summer last year we went through 2 months of 2 disimpaction routines using movicol and finally had a success story. Very soft poos on the toilet every day with no dramas since. Maintenance dose of 3 sachets of movicol. Until.....
The past week or so her poos have been runny, so I reduced the dose of movicol down from 3 to 2.5 per day.
Now the past couple of days she is showing signals of withholding again. I think this may have happened due to one of her poos being slightly harder than normal due to the reduction in movicol. The poo wasn't even hard, it was toothpaste consistency.
So now 2 problems:
1. She is withholding again (last poo was 3 days ago)
2. Will this happen every time she feels a slightly harder (normal to us) poo?
Can she already be backed up after 3 days?
What do I do? So disheartening after nearly 6 months of no issues and normal pooing
Please help!!