I have a 4 year old daughter who has been poo withholding for months and after 2 months of disimpaction routines, doctors trips,phonecards to Eric, online research and many tears, we are finally there!!!
We are now getting 1 poo a day on the toilet with no reluctance and it's all thanks to ERIC. I would not have been able to crack this with GP help only, as the phrase used numerous times was 'she will grow out of it' . Hopefully this continues and its the end of the withholding.
reason for the post is just to say a big thank you to ERIC and to encourage people to reach out for help if their child is struggling, as this really is a horrible issue to deal with and very very misunderstood.
I have made my daughters keyworkers at playgroup aware of the issue since day 1 but they only really got the full understanding of the causes etc after reading the book 'why won't my child poo'
so hopefully they can help the next child who may be going through the same issue.
Hang in there.... your child will get better!