I am at my wits end with this one. My little boy has a really poor diet and as a result has had constipation in the past and now as a result wont poo on the toilet for fear of it hurting, so instead soils his pants every day.
He withholds it during preschool but when at home, he will poo but in his pants. We have tried talking to him and encouraging him onto the toilet but he just wont go! For the occasions we have got him to the toilet, we have 'poo balloons' 'party blowers and bubbles' but he's not interested. He wont sit on it for any length of time even with the ipad. I bought him a special seat and he tells me he's not a baby!
He was fine about going when we first toilet trained him and this has only been since the constipation in November. His poo (sorry for the graphical info) is very clay like, not normal at all!!!
I am due to see a dietician in May as he is a very picky eater and does not eat most things but he does drink plenty of squash. We also have movical to give him that the GP prescribed but the issue is not that it wont come out!
I just don't know how to coax him back to the toilet for pooing - he is embarrassed by it but wont even let us talk to him about it.
I just need some proven tried techniques to get the poo back into the toilet and out of his pants....and for some techniques on how to remain calm!