Hi all
My daughter is 3.5 years old and we started potty training 3 months ago (slightly later than we’d hoped due to new baby coming). She is excellent with weeing on the potty & even takes herself off to the potty if she’s not wearing a nappy. But keeps getting small amounts of poo in her pants. For this reason I put her back in nappies, especially when we go out etc. Shes done one poo on the potty and understands where it goes etc. But she just doesn’t have the patience to sit there for so long. She’s always suffered with constipation and you can often feel hard rocks in her tummy. She’s always trying to poo, sometimes 10-15 times per day. Most often her poos are really huge and I wonder how she passed it!!! It’s exhausting, especially with a small baby to look after. Any advice/thoughts would be appreciated