Sorry for long post and lots of poo details!
My son suddenly started wetting the bed nearly every night a few weeks ago (he's nearly 7). He's had a few wet nights in the past but we'd never worried about it before. No UTI, so we started with an alarm.
Then we realised he had been/was having soiling issues in the day, lots of mucus and had a few days with regular daytime incontinence too.
He poos a few times a day, and usually very soft and tiny amounts, 5/6 on BSS but really strains- he is literally prolasping.
We had an US scan yesterday and there was no impaction or problems spotted but she said he might benefit from some laxatives in case there is some constipation.
I should add that we hugely upped his fluid intake in the last 10 days, and put him on a 2 hourly toileting schedule as per the bedwetting book guide. He did a big poo the night before the scan and a few hours after the scan.
We've now had 4 dry nights this week and no daytime soiling, hooray! (Thank goodness for lockdown for being able to monitor it all).
The docs have prescribed movicol but he has never done a hard poo in his life, he has a really healthy high fibre diet already. He has regularly blocked our toilet and we've been cross with him for just going crazy on the loo roll, but now I'm wondering if that was just because of a huge poo release each time!
So my question is, do you think I should use the movicol or see if it is manageable with just regular toileting and fluids? I can't think what threw his whole bowel and bladder system into meltdown, and I'm not sure why he would be straining to do soft poos regularly to the extent he prolapses. Has anyone else experience this peculiarity?
Thanks so much in advance if you got this far!