Hi! I am new here and I need some advice. My 7 years old daughter can't reach the toilet in time. She wears pull ups during the day and during the night as well as she can't wake up to go to the toilet. During the day home or when we are out in town or at friends, she asks for the toilet but at school...she doesn't go. She is telling me that she is playing with her friends or she couldn't reach in time. She is ashamed and I don't know how to help her with this. I told her that she needs to go no matter what so she can get rid of the pull up but no success. Any help? I don't know if it's an emotional problem or...I feel like I am failing as a mom
At 7 years old and wearing pull up due to a problem - ERIC
At 7 years old and wearing pull up due to a problem
Has she seen a specialist? Sounds like it might be a good idea
I did went to our GP and talked about this. She said that she will make an appointment with the pediatrician that has experiences in this cases. I took a urine sample a week ago to see if it's a diabetes or something else. I asked the Gp to send me somewhere with her and they told me to wait for them to finish all the investigations and if they consider that we need to ask for help somewhere else, they will tell us. I tried home many ways of making her quit the pull up but...no success
It’s not your fault. All children are different. Sometimes constipation can be a factor. You could consider looking for a chiropractor who specialises in children. Don’t let the GP fob you off. I know how much incontinence affects them. Keep pushing for referral to specialist like a urologist. My son was incontinent of urine same age often and it was related to constipation. Good luck x