My son is nearly 10 years old and we have been given movicol previously, which helped so it was then stopped but recently he’s started soiling himself again and is now back in medicine. How do people approach the school? As I’ve started the medicine so I need to continue it while he’s at school but my worry is that they judge me or my son and don’t react appropriately.
Disimpaction - nearly 10year old: My son is nearly 1... - ERIC
Disimpaction - nearly 10year old
We are in a very similar position. We made the choice last week to take him out of school. 9/10 is an age where a name will stick and we want to avoid that at all costs.
The school have been brilliant and provided us with work he can complete at home so he doesn’t fall behind. I would suggest talking to the school as soon as possible. We started with his teachers directly, then spoke with the head.
They want him back in as soon as possible, but understand the predicament we are in.
Good luck. Hopefully your sons school will be as open minded as ours is.
Thank you! I spoke with the school this morning and they were really understanding, I’m still very anxious about sending him incase he has an accident as I believe the same as you a name will stick with him if anything was to happen. I am going to monitor how he goes as he is now up to 8 sachets with nothing happening. Thanks for the reply, hope your wee one is doing ok!