Constant Belching: I have epilepsy and for... - Epilepsy Society

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Constant Belching

Angiebaby0121 profile image
3 Replies

I have epilepsy and for the last 8 months have had acid problems.

Has anyone else had this, it's really embarrassing as I am constantly burping quite loudly and this causes pain and nausea. I recently had my gall bladder removed due to gall stones and I thought this might ease my problem but it hasn't made any difference at all.

Please help as my go just keeps prescribing antacids which don't work.

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Angiebaby0121 profile image
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3 Replies
cgarff123 profile image


Have you talked to a gastroenterologist about the problems you are having? Do you have acid reflux along with this? I am assuming so because of the antacids, but I am just guessing. So I am just trying to put two and two together, so please bear with me. I have dealt with so many different things throughout that last 8 1/2 years, it has been like a roller coaster, but I had acid reflux. I tried my best not to let it get to me until back in Dec 2008 I contracted a cold in which I lost my voice. My voice would come and go here and there for the next month and a half, mostly gone, but I would have it back for maybe a few hours, or half or a full day, then gone again. I had a doc (ENT)that told me that I trained myself to talk that way. Anyways, I I eventually went to speech therapists, and another ENT, within that year, and even a Neurologist. I was eventually referred to a surgeon to do some testing with barium, etc because of the reflux. They thought it may be causing my voice loss.

The tests and taking all sorts of medications for reflux showed that nothing was going to help except for surgery. So I underwent what is called "Nissen Fundoplication" Surgery. It has helped in many ways, and not in many ways. The reflux is gone, I am not supposed to be able to burp, but I still do.. which can be quite embarrassing because I could make a trucker blush sometimes.. ha ha. but I cannot throw up, which is nice in some ways.

Last year I also found out that I have both non-epileptic and epileptic seizures, but I don't have the issues you have. which makes me not much help.

But... one thing I have found that does help with the belching and the stomach pain because of all of this... sorry long story short.. is I have found an essential oil that has made all the difference in the world to me. Doterra's "Digestzen" You can purchase it online and have it shipped to you. It isn't the cheapest thing in the world sometimes, but all you have to do is take a few drops from the bottle and rub it on your abdomen and wait for it to work it's magic. (make sure you wash your hands really well afterwards, because it is one that cannot be ingested) But it has helped me out so much!

I would try the oil first, because it will be cheaper than a doctor, but I would follow up with a physician if needed. I wish you the best of luck. I hope my information isn't too goofy, but I feel ya. none of this is fun!


Angiebaby0121 profile image
Angiebaby0121 in reply to cgarff123

Thank you for your reply. I also have epilepsy which I've had for over 20 years now. The acid reflux only started 6 months ago and I thought it was part of the problem with my gall bladder but since I had that removed it hasn't got any better. I will go see my GP again. I'm not comfortable using things I've not heard of before checking with my GP as I don't want to cause problems with my epilepsy meds but again thank you for your response and I will be speaking with my doctor at length about this.

Bloop1234567 profile image

Yh i had the same problem but i was actually throwing up sometimes but i just got acid reflux tablets and only take them when it gets really bad

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