I posted this on Health Unlocked earlier this year, but would like to give it it more attention here on the Epilepsy Action website. Two years ago my medication was changed, with awful results as they switched me onto the wrong type of AED , and it was only after finding this video that I understood why....... I was not on a suitable replacement for carbamazepine which I had asked for.
This awesome video explains simply and clearly in layman's terms how the different types of AED drugs work on the brain.
I used the information to suggest to my neurology consultant the type of medication I needed (another 'sodium channel blocker ' like carbamazepine). He agreed, and since switching to lacosamide I am as good as I was on carbamazepine, but without the side-effects.
Please take the time to watch it as you will learn SO MUCH about epilepsy.... how seizures occur, and how different types of medication work to prevent seizures !