Hi I’m new to the forum
I’ve had epilepsy for 10 years, for the first couple of years it was fairly well controlled with various doses of Keppra, im now on 3000mg.
My epilepsy is tonic clonic with a couple of seizures per year (always when I’m over tired or travelling abroad) I always end up in hospital due to injury (burns, needing stitches etc) and I tend to get clusters of seizures.
This past year my seizures have gotten worse and I’ve started have panic attacks and very vivid dreams that I’m having seizures. My nero has prescribed 10mg of clobozam at night time. I’m not sure it’s helping and I’m worried as I know it’s a benezodepine.
I’m also taking amitritlyine to help with sleep. Just seems like alot of sedatives and I find myself feeling out of it at work or socially.
Has anyone experienced this?