my epileptic fits have stopped for a long time. But I still get “auras”. They can be terrible and scary, I lose control of things sometimes,I suddenly stop what I’m doing eg eating and stare at the plate. I get told later what happened. I nearly walked into the road I almost always need somebody with me outdoors. I feel like I’m abnormal sometimes. I’ve spoken to nobody who has the same problem. It’s there anybody who understands? 🙏
auras: my epileptic fits have stopped for a... - Epilepsy Action

That's quite common. Check that you're eating a balanced diet and drinking enough. After the summer some people cut their fluids intake by half without knowing it. It may just be your sugar levels. Consult your neurologist. It happened to me twice.

hi thanks for your reply vibrant. My diets always been the same. You say it’s happened to you twice,? I get it so many times daily
All of you on this forum, make sure the specialist who is treating you isn't a jack of all trades. Many are. Hospitals can only afford to employ a limited number of neurologists. In the UK, do your homework before you go to a specialist. This website is very helpful for patients and specialists. Find an epilepsy specialist through places like They found me the right man after I'd been seeing so-called specialists for too long. The guy they sent me to gave me a new lease of life.
Have you asked your neurologist? I recommend EEG because you may be having subclinical non-convulsive seizures. There are also other things that can be happening. What has changed about your activities, health or diet?
Hi. It sounds like absence seizures to me. I suffer with the same thing and had to stop driving. I'm now on new meds and fingers crossed all good.
Shoreham Pete