I have been taking Lamotrogine for some years now. In March I was given Levetiracetam as well. I have had a dry cough since April. Has anyone had a cough as a side efect
Levetiravetam coughing side efect - Epilepsy Action
Levetiravetam coughing side efect
The British National Formulary (BNF), a website used by medical professionals for information on medicines, does list a cough as being a common side-effect of levetiracetam bnf.nice.org.uk/drug/leveti....
If this has persisted since April, it would be a good idea to talk to your epilepsy specialist, epilepsy nurse (if you have one) or your GP about this. If they think this is a side-effect of the levetiracetam, they may be able to make some adjustments to your epilepsy treatment to help with this.
I hope you hear from others on this platform, as sharing information and experiences can be a good idea. Can I just check you also know about our other services?
We have our virtual support groups epilepsy.org.uk/virtual-groups. We have our forum4e online community forum.epilepsy.org.uk/, and we are on facebook facebook.com/epilepsyaction and twitter twitter.com/epilepsyaction.
Finally, please feel free to contact our helpline team. You can either email helpline@epilepsy.org.uk or phone the Epilepsy Action Helpline freephone 0808 800 5050. Our helpline is open Monday to Thursday 8.30am until 8.00pm, Friday 8.30am until 4.30pm and Saturday 10.00am until 4.00pm.
Epilepsy Action Helpline Team
Hi! I know I might be late for the reply, but I've been coughing after taking Levetiravetam for 2 months. Some days the cough is really bad, then I'm trying to talk less, drink warm tea with honey.
I finally stopped taking Levetiracetum and went back to Lamotrogine with my consultants consent. It took 6 months for me to get any help from my consultant. After only 2/3 weeks of not taking Levetiracetum the cough had gone. I had 6 months of this cough I got to the point that I thought I would crack my ribs if it didn't stop. Life was really pretty miserabl. Nothing that I did would help or stop it. I have not heard from my consultant since November no check on how I am doing being back on old meds. Thankfully I have been ok. Please talk to your consultant about your symptoms, mine was such an easy fix not taking the new meds. Please don't stop on your own accord. Good luck and a speedy outcome