Has anyone suffered with increased seizures, hallucinations and aggressive behaviour while taking Levetiracetam??
Side Effects of Levetiracetam : Has anyone... - Epilepsy Action
Side Effects of Levetiracetam

Yes I even had dark thoughts I was sure shadow people were following me totally crazy stuff luckily for me my epilepsy nurse listened to me and changed my tablets straight away
My daughter, on it for about three weeks, started getting really amped up after taking it, and last night was plunged into despair. I have bipolar disorder, so I think I need to get her off this pretty quickly. Thoughts?
Levetiracetam otherwise known as keppra??? I’ve had hallucinations and it made me really grumpy. There were times where I would prefer to have a seizure than suffer the side effects. Speak to your consultant/nurse/gp ASAP and let them know. There’s always gonna be side effects but if you’re unable to tolerate them then you must contact your Doctor immediately and let them know soo they can guide you. Only you know your body. I hope everything works out for you🤞
Keppra was terrible for my wifes severe epilepsy, it never helped to reduce her seizures levels yet the side-effects were terrible, I would consider talking to your epilepsy nurse or neuro about coming off it. Is your epilepsy normally controlled?
I was taken off Keppra at a lowish dose as I was feeling really angry and any little thing would make me blow. I am now on Briviact which is similar to Keppra only without the crazy side effects. Worth speaking to your doc/consultant asap.
My daughter was given vitamin B6, which fixed the mood swings, but she still feels annoyed
Yes, my husband was started off on this medication and had a total personality change. He became pretty aggressive, trying to cause rows etc. I was quite frightened especially at night. He was previous mild and non confrontational. He was also stroppy when out in restaurants (never would have been before Keppra/Leva). I spoke to the epilepsy nurses who immediately changed his medication. I think its known as Keppra rage............he settled down on Carbamazepine, which is one of the old fashioned meds, and it contains a mood-stabiliser which suits well. Apart from sleeping a lot, which is preferable to rage.