I'm only on small dose but I'm experiencing really strong side effects from medication, can anyone help?
Side effects of epilepsy medication - Epilepsy Action
Side effects of epilepsy medication
Hi, you could ask your Consultant if the starting dose can be reduced.
Although the side effects usually decrease over time, you shouldn't have to be so uncomfortable, a more gradual start might help.
Yes I had very strong side effects starting tegretol,and nothing helped.they switched me to the slow release version which was then called a very different name (thankfully changed due to Mencap getting involved I think),the slow release version softened the side effects for me,and within a month roughly,they disappeared.
I had the same old problem when gabapentin was added on,I found the side effects never really went away with this one for me.
Epilim liquid-I can’t remember ever suffering side effects with this other than my teeth rotting to a degree,as back then it wasn’t sugar free liquid.People thought my parents were giving me all sorts of rubbish for treats to keep me quiet.
Keppra-only side effect is a bad headache every day,my support staff keep getting more scared than me and try and test my blood pressure which is always normal.
everyone has different brain chemistry so it is very hard to compare one person to another.
I will use an example,One of my Ex support Staff Was prescribed 10mg daily of Amytriptaline for nerve pain as she broke something during judo,she slept for 18 hours every day and was zombified by it,I’m on 100mg on it for my spinal damage,peripheral neuropathy and for major depressive disorder-I had no side effects at any point.
I found that eating before taking my medication helps big time!!