First of all I want to apologise for barging in on your group as I dont have epilepsy (I don't think so anyway!). Also if my question seems stupid or offensive in anyway, sorry again, I'm just trying to find some answers.
I had a seizure when I was 18, it was closing time at a quiet bar, I'd had a few drinks but not much as I'd arrived late after travelling. I was tired, had been a long few days. I remember sitting speaking to my friend then feeling strange, very difficult to explain but I just knew something wasn't right.
The next thing I knew I was coming round having apparently had a 30 second seizure, I'd wet myself and to be honest that was all I was concerned about at the time. The medics arrived and I was checked over and due to living very rural I was sent home for the next two days before going to the hospital for all manner of checks.
The next two days I was beyond exhausted, I mean really really drained. I think I slept more that two days than I do in a week.
Anyway, my GP having looked over tests told me that having a seizure at my age isn't that unusual that these things can happen for no apparent reason and it's no reason to believe they will happen again.
So, here I am 10 years later and I'm trying to put in to words something that has happened many times since that day.
Maybe 6 times a year or more I have experienced the exact feelings I had before the seizure. I dont know how to explain it other than some thing isn't right, my head feels wrong, I need to stop what ever I'm doing and slow things down, breathe carefully, try to stop working my brain too much and just very slowly and carefully wait for it to pass. Sometimes its followed by a loud ringing noise and sometimes the world begins to go black as if I'm about to faint, but it's more than that, something other just feels wrong.
I'd only once had that feeling before my seizure, I was with people and didnt want to say but it was building up so I said I was just nipping to the toilet and tried to get out of the room, I made it halfway up the stairs and had to stop, a friend found me and I was sweating profusely and though i was going to pass out, we just joked it was a hot flush and that was that. Other than that I'd never ever had that feeling before the time I had a seizure.
With that feeling It feels like I'm on the verge of another seizure, I dont know if that is just me panicking because of having had a seizure or is this something other people experience? Maybe I'm going mad!