I have scholiosis on my spine since birth, and cannot sleep on my back, I am 63 so have ALWAYS slept on my right hand side. On 7th December I slept on my left hand side, and proceeded to have a seizure while on my living room chair, I strongly suspect this was caused due to my sleeping on my left hand side? I am on Vimpat 400 mg and Briviact 75 mg which I have been on since April 2018, I have had no seizures since then, it was a relatively minor seizure on the 7th. I have had approximately 400 seizures since aged 14, and in that time fractured and broken every rib in my body, and have fractured my skull at least three times, but in that time NEVER slept on my left hand side, this last seizure I know I should tell my epilepsy specialist, but thanks to our brave NHS in Northern Ireland, being manacled by 'certain politicians' have not been able to! I feel certain it was caused via an old skull fracture on the left hand side of my skull?
I have had JMEpilepsy since age 14, when I... - Epilepsy Action
I have had JMEpilepsy since age 14, when I fractured my skull on the side of school swimming pool!

Hi Adlon57
It’s difficult to understand why seizures happen. For some people there maybe an obvious trigger but for most there isn’t.
I’m not sure how sleeping on your left hand side will have triggered a seizure. As you say, your seizures are not controlled and on other occasions when you’ve had your seizure you was possibly not sleeping on your left hand side. So it may just be a coincidence.
After saying that, epilepsy is very individual, also I’m not medical so don’t know what impact your scoliosis will have on your central nerves system or epilepsy.
If you don’t already, you could keep a diary of your seizures and see if there are any patterns. If there is, you could talk to your specialist about this.
Epilepsy Action Helpline Team