HI,iam new here guys I have had epilepsy since 1990 when I was blown up in gas explosion trying to light my gas boiler the fits were so very bad then my tongue was full of holes and my face was bloodshot marks all over. I spent many nights in hospital worried my wife sick we had three small children and I was still drinking very heavy at the time so my wife said its the drink or us. I had a thought and now I have not taken any alcohol since that day she asked me.I went to see a professor in epilepsy who did tests and told me I have five different types.I still have fits very bad ones where iam very violent towards others or members of my family I have been on lots of tablets nothing seems to work on me so I just carry on with my life.
five different types: HI,iam new here guys I... - Epilepsy Action
five different types
Hi bobajob
It sounds like you’ve had some difficult times. Living with uncontrolled epilepsy must be hard for you and your family.
As you are still having seizures, I’d like to check you’re still seeing the professor who is a specialist in epilepsy? This would mean that they can keep reviewing your treatment and also look into other treatment options for you.
Sometimes, difficult or unusual behaviour can be caused by seizures, frequent abnormal electrical activity in your brain, or epilepsy medicine. If the behaviour is related to any of these, the best way to help is to find the right treatment. Unfortunately this isn’t always easy or possible but if you are still seeing the professor they can make sure you are receiving the best treatment possible.
Mood and behaviour can alter due to epilepsy its self. It’s most likely to be associated with focal seizures, and happen either during or immediately after the seizure.
It’s known that some people have changes in mood or behaviour in the period before a seizure happens. This is known as the "prodromal" stage. Mood changes at this time are usually relieved by the seizure.
Altered behaviour and confusion are very common following a seizure. This is known as a "postictal" state. Usually, postictal states are brief.
Another possibility for mood and behaviour changes can be side-effects of some epilepsy medication. epilepsy.org.uk/info/treatm...
Living with difficult to control epilepsy can for some people make them feel different, anxious, depressed and lack confidence. Experiencing any of these can lead to a change in personality. Recently, we produced new information on epilepsy and wellbeing. Many people find that taking care of their wellbeing can help them to have as few seizures as possible. This simply means taking some steps to looking after your body and mind. This usually involves having a healthy diet, getting quality sleep, being active, and including mindfulness techniques to manage stress. It may be that this approach could be of help to you. epilepsy.org.uk/info/wellbeing
We often hear from people about how it has helped when they have made contact with others in a similar situation. If you think this could help you, you may find our coffee & chat groups helpful.
If we can be of any more help, please feel free to contact our helpline team directly. You can either email helpline@epilespy.org.uk or the Epilepsy Action Helpline freephone 0808 800 5050. Our helpline is open Monday to Friday, 8.30am until 5.30pm.
Epilepsy Action Helpline Team
hi diane, thank you for your reply i'm at the moment not seeing the prof but I have a lovely consultant because I live in Swansea at the start I was living in Carmarthenshire about 25 miles away from where i'm living now.I go to see my consultant every 3 months but that's not the only medical problem I have I have fribomyalgia spondolosis and a few more two many to say I suffer quite badly with sleeping being awake most nights and very bad headaches I have lost weight from 15 stone down to 12 in just 2 months but i'm going to carry on I have to because my wife is also disabled
take care