Hi everyone
After feeling so positive after reading replies to my first ever post. I saw Neurologist & Epilepsy Nurse on 22nd August.where I had medication increased, new emergency medication plan written allowing 2nd dose to be given after 10minutes. I am now sitting here unsure of my future. First day back at work yesterday (I work as learning support assistant in a primary school ) felt absolutely fine and got on with things,ready for when children start back on Wednesday. Next thing I'm waking up in hospital after seizure lasting over an hour, resulting in air ambulance being called by paramedics as they had given me everything they could to try and stop seizure. I am now waiting for the call from head teacher (who to be fair has been good up until recently) to tell me I'm not allowed back to work until OH have seen me for the fourth time. It's clear that she would like me to consider early retirement due to medical condition (I'm 46!) and also the impact it is having on the school as a whole due to staff being directed to the emergency. Also in her words "my concern is that the frequency, length & severity of the seizures could result in fatality "
If I had the strength and energy I would just like to disappear.
I'm really tired of trying to hold onto a normal life with epilepsy
It's not fun anymore.
Sorry this post is so miserable and I know that considering all the awful things that happen around the world I'm probably lucky.