I have read some articles about food being related to seizures. Does anybody have any experience with this and is it a general thing or more specific to individuals?
Thank you and good night
I have read some articles about food being related to seizures. Does anybody have any experience with this and is it a general thing or more specific to individuals?
Thank you and good night
Hi RiaLouisa
As far as we’re aware there’s no evidence that specific foods can trigger seizures, but for some people following a particular type of diet has been shown to help control seizures. It’s called the ketogenic diet, and at the moment it’s not commonly used for adults in the UK. We’ve got more info here:
Best wishes
Epilepsy Action Advice and Information Team
I find high caffeine/sugar intake can be a bit of a trigger after it wears off.
Also of I have a particularly low intake of sugar. Don't know if you can private message on here but I used to do nutritional advice as well as personal training, could give some simple advice if you like on diet. . .
Do you have any foods in particular that are triggers?