Does anyone have a VNS fitted?
Epilepsy: Does anyone have a VNS fitted? - Epilepsy Research...
Hi Barney
Yes I had a VNS in 2015 but had it removed in 2017. Epilepsy affects your short term memory and the VNS affects your long term memory so since having it removed I have past memory flashes and hallucinations but because of short and long term memory loss I feel so confused. It's like I recognise the memory flash but when it stops I feel lost. I had to have the VNS removed because the positive signals to the brain wasn't working and ended up being received negative so I was either really depressed or so angry and yet I've heard so many positive things about the VNS and I've tried all the medication available and didn't get anywhere so the VNS was my last hope and although it didn't work I can live with knowing I tried everything available. Good luck with everything.
Greenbean X