hi all, hoping for some advice, maybe someone has had a similar experience to me and can offer some advice.
i had been fit free for 10 years and lead a good lifestyle,rarely drink,quitting smoking,cook all food from scratch,walk alot, spend time outside.
about a year ago i had a blood test and a borderline under-active thyroid was picked up.
i was given levothyroxine to take but didn't complete the course due to no feeling well taking them, fast forward a year and i started taking them again,a week and a half into the course and i suffered my first in a decade.
i am hearing that there are links between taking anti convulsant tablets and levothyroxine and it resulting in seizures.
my issue is it seems i was issued these tablets rather randomly without much research being done into the potential effects on my epilepsy.
my issue is i now cant work as my job involved me driving and i have no income.
any help is greatly appreciated