My daughter (14) has been on keppra since June , she was diagnosed after 3 years of worry after she was hit by a car. I feel helpless most of the time my baby girl is tired all the time ( she would sleep all day) and has trouble at school with remembering things and keeping up with the rest of her class. Senco has started doing some assessments on her and she is allowed to use a laptop for English lessons. Other members of the family don’t understand why she is suddenly tearful and upset if they shout . She has been saying some strange things like “ I wonder what it’s like to be dead” any help would be appreciated thank you Gill x
This is a great site: My daughter (1... - Epilepsy Research...
This is a great site
Good morning,
I am very sorry to read that your daughter was involved in a road traffic accident. You do not state as to the findings of your daughters neurologist. What type of epilepsy that your daughter has. Her medications her anti-epilepsy drugs (AEDs) and indeed all of his findings.
Sorry, focal and generalised epilepsy lasting 3 - 4 minutes. She is on keppra 750 mg bd. We are waiting for an appt with living with epilepsy nurse clinic 😄
Thank you for your reply. I am not really understanding why you say that your daughters neurologist has only prescribed one ant-epilepsy drug (AED) as patients are usually taking more than one. Under the circumstances I would have rather be assessed by a neurologist specialising in epilepsy as to a epilepsy nurse, as there a wealth of difference between the too.
The National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery in London has epileptologists who only specialise in epilepsy.
I would suggest that if you ask your daughters doctor for a second opinion from the National it could help you a lot.
Kind regards