Does anyone know the maximum dose of Lamictal a person can be on? Thanks
Lamictal: Does anyone know the maximum... - Epilepsy Research...

I suppose that the answer to your question would be dependent on what the other medications you take and the dosages that they all are.
Sorry but I have to go to bed now.
Goodnight and sleep well.
All depends on what else you are on! I think if you are on nothing else - 600 - 700mg daily. I was on Keppra 3500mg daily and Lamictal 500mg daily for years! All depend on how you react. I was on Lamictal for 16 years. That was the maximum they could give me and it worked. I was comfortable on it! Then I started getting long term side effects which the doctors noticed but I didn't. (Still don't know what they were!) Took me a year to come off it, and another year to get out of my system!
Generally, it is about 600mg per day. I take 500 mg per day.
If you need to know something like this about any meds the guidelines can be found online but bear in mind that they may vary from country to country (probably not by much). The epilepsy charities also have factsheetsabour the drugs with this sort of info eg epilepsy research UK and epilepsy action.
Sure sometimes what relates this right, because the medications are not always published to that person confuse things. Everything depends on the Doctor Assistant, so you can guide the patient and nothing is at odds with your case and type of Epilepsy.
But I'm fairly sure that the maximum dose that is published is the maximum dose that doctors are legally allowed to prescribe. Different doses are tested carefully in clinical trials and monitored in the real world to make sure that patients aren't being put at too high a risk of serious side effects.
Thanks for your reply folks. Have neuro r/v coming up and its very likely my meds will be increased or ill get anothet added on so was just wondering what max dose of lamictal was. Im on 400mg a day, 200mg twice a day along with 3000mg of keppra so thats 1500mg twice a day.
Thanks again
Although it can be time-consuming, but that question can only be given to you by your Doctor; because only he is aware of your type of Epilepsy.