Does anyone know if those on epilepsy medication are more susceptible to muscle and joint problems? I have been on meds for 8 years In the last 2/3 years alone I have had AC joint & rotator cuff injury to my shoulder from a simple knock. I had to recieve a steriod injection into my left hip for bursitis and was off work for around 3 months for nerve a muscle irritation from buldging discs in neck. Every time I present with these I am always asked 'were you in a crash', did you suffer some form of trauma' some of these occour through bad falls, crashes etc
But its just through simple day to day life (my job probably plays a big part though) I have a very sore hip AGAIN and I haven't done anything out of the ordinary to hurt it. No doubt ill end up getting steroid injections again. It can get very frustrating. No amount of vitamin and mineral intake seems to prevent them.